#i need to update my own oc page since it's a little dated
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stinkrascal · 2 years ago
ugh when people have such good, detailed character pages it makes my heart explode. i love seeing character pages so much!!
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eliotlime · 4 months ago
End of October Update
There's got to be a less clunky way for me to title these things but maybe I'll figure it out after a few posts.
Anyway at the top of the order I want to say that uh... the Abacelsus zine is not happening by halloween unforch.. I just started school part-time and it being part-time is still kicking my ass! So tentative release date will be on 11th November unless something else happens....
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On the plus side I'm done with the cover so all that's left is the back page and cramming all 24 pages full of drawings 👍
-> As I've said at the end of my previous post I want to make more blog style posts so here's me trying to do that, more under the cut
🔐Abacelsus Zine
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I'm still deciding on whether i want to print it A5 or B5 but I'm leaning towards A5, though for the digital release it doesn't really matter lol
As mentioned, I'm done with the main cover so I just need to fill this entire thing with stuff, I said 24 pages but really the total page count is 30. I'm just not counting the cover and the blurb stuff.
I'm half taking a break with this at the risk of burning myself out and half paralysed with starting it. Plus I've kind of been more into Axl & I-no hilariously but I'll always love A.B.A. I think the lack of any real info really lends her well to interpretation which is always fun.
I've never really been one to engage in fandom so I'm probably going to be doing my own thing. That being said if anyone has any suggestions feel free to drop them in my strawpage or ask box :)
🥤 Strawpage & General Socials
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The bugs make my pages so decorative, I gotta draw more bugstyle guys.
Speaking of strawpage, I made one of those! It was really fun, I have a short OC info tab with descriptions of some of my main guys. I'd love for you to check it out.
This kind of acts as my ask box for twitter since there's not one there and apparently it's basically my main social media site these days so I'm just mirroring my experience here over there too.
Hilarious timing considering that it's basically collapsing on itself once again, I'll probably still be on that damn site until it implodes but I also have a Bluesky account for those that care about it.
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The sky follower bridge extension is really useful for bulk following people from twitter to bsky
I'd love to post there more but there's not a queue function and that's very important to me as someone who is not American and lazy to remember optimal timings.
Did you see? I also have a new pinned for this blog! Wanted to make a new one for a while now, always thought the old one was so freaking long. All the old info is still on my about and faq page though I don't know who actually looks at those.. a relic from years past..
☹ School
Sigh, like I mentioned earlier I'm doing school again! At my big age, but I'm having fun so far! It's part-time but it's still kicking my fucking ass! It's the main reason why I'm a little disoriented this month honestly.
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Do you like it? I spent an entire Sunday making my class miro board look niceys and then proceeded to get nauseous from cybersickness afterwards LOL
I'm doing a UI/UX course and I have to say the funnest part about it is making personas, it's like making OCs. Don't particularly like writing though.. but also that's a lie considering the numerous amount of paragraphs in this blog post alone haha
🎁 Merch
I've also gotten confirmation that I'll be boothing again next year in Febuary! So I gotta start locking into making more stickers and general merch. I say this a lot but I do need to look into opening an online store because I just have tonnes of stickers and stuff lying around waiting till the next time I do a convention which is kind of a shame.
Oh, but I will say that if you are from Singapore and would like anything from my previous convention catalogue feel free to shoot me a DM on instagram and I can mail it to you locally, shipping's $2 SGD.
➰Closing Thoughts
All in all, been kind of busy this month with school and various loose threads from September but overall I think I'm doing better! I've also been cooking lately and truthfully that's my biggest achievement this month haha, been also getting really into canned fish. Yummy!
Oh and a last thing is that I've been itching to animate again so I'll end this post with a WIP of a gif I did last night/morning. I almost always never finish my animations but here's hoping this one actually makes it to the colouring stage haha
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No prizes to anyone who can guess who these two because of course.
Thank you for reading! I know I can't expect everything to be done in a single month but I just wish I could do everything without getting tired or cybersick! If you'd like to support me, here's my ko-fi page and my itchi.io & gumroad as well.
If you have any questions or just generally want to talk to me, my DMs and askbox is always open! Any professional enquires can be sent towards my email as well: [email protected]
XOXO, Stay weird!
-Eliot :)
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loveinkfanfics · 2 years ago
She left him wondering what was an exciting story to tell in her book. He bet she had all kinds of them since she worked with dead people and all. "Will do," he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Nice to meet you, Angel. "Angela opened her mouth to correct him then decided against it. She didn't mind the way the nickname sounded coming from the handsome man's lips. "You too, Juice. You guys have my number if you need anything else, right? ""Maybe I'll take it down again,"
Omg yes! I love this! Thank you @juiceortiz!!! 🥰🥰 Taking it waaaay back to the first chapter of “Hands All Over”! :)
Writing wise, I was still finding my voice and still flip-flopping between POV mid-paragraph, which I sometimes miss doing but know it can get really confusing (as a reviewer pointed out). Also, personal life wise, I started this story in 2011 (it took me awhile to work up the nerve to publish it to Fanfiction.net in 2012) after my grandmother, who I was very close to, passed away. One if my favorite authors in another fandom (the Fast and the Furious) started posting a Sons of Anarchy fic, and I kept getting the notifications for updates. SOA Seasons 1-3 were streaming free and because I loved her writing (big shout out to xsparklesthemagicalunicornx and her SOA fic “Stylized Violence”), I decided to give it a chance so I could at least understand the characters in her fic. I fell in love. The sense of family (at least in the first season) and the love between the brothers was just what my aching heart needed to get through one of the hardest times in my life. I was obsessed. I binged the first three seasons and bought season 4 just to watch that too…and it brought me back to writing. I had several false starts with this fic with all sorts of situations (starting with Opie/OC, then I fell in love with Juice midway through season 1…it was that smile, damn it). I have PAGES of Juice/OCs that never made it past a few pages and sometimes I go back and read them and smile. It wasn’t until I met a badass mortician with braids in her hair, a great sense of humor, and a toughness about her at my internship at a local Coroner’s office that this idea hit me, and the rest, as they say, is history. Through this story, I’ve “met” some amazing people (readers, authors, etc), and I’m so grateful for it. 💕
 But, I digress, this part is Juice and Angela meeting for the very first time! Juice sees this attractive girl who’s also interesting and intrigues him a bit. There’s a mystery about her that kind of draws him in...
He wants to know what story she’s thinking about, wants to hear more about her. Other than Old Ladies, Croweater, and the occasional TM customer, I don’t see Juice as having much time to sit and talk to women. The club is all encompassing, and he’s all about the club. Theo Rossi has mentioned in interviews before that Juice wouldn’t have time to date, and I honestly, don’t think he’s all that far off. The club is everything to him. He doesn’t have a lot of free time.  I think Juice is also mildly impressed that Angela’s not fazed by the group of bikers (little does he know, she has her own connection to them in her cousin), and she’s not being overly flirtatious or coming onto them. She’s just going about her business like her boss told her to and brushing off the very weird thing that they’re doing like it is nothing…which to any normal person, digging up a body to use for something that’s definitely not legal would be cause for alarm. Him calling her “Angel” instead of by her full name is also a little test. Will she correct him? Will she let the nickname slide which kind of takes the next step in a sense of familiarity? She doesn’t correct him, which, despite his oblivious ways, is a subtle open door showing she’s interested in some sort of relationship. At least, she’s not shutting him down.  
And on Angela’s side, that’s most definitely why she lets the nickname slide. Here’s this sexy biker man who’s giving her this killer smile calling her by a sweet pet name? She’s not about to correct him. Same with the sly way she gave him her number. They’re feeling each other out. Angela was offering her number in the most covert way possible. She knows one of them has the funeral home number, of course they do, but she’s trying to see if Juice wants her number. If he’ll catch on to what she’s offering. And for once, Mr. Oblivious takes advantage of it and takes down her number for himself just so he has it. It’s a bit of a dance for the both of them. Also, Angela’s trying to make herself look a little more mysterious than she is with saying she’s seen “weirder shit” than them exhuming a body. That’s a lie (she tells him so about 40 chapters later in the story). She was playing it cool, trying to look nonchalant and enigmatic…and it worked. ;)
Plus, Angela’s been hurt by biker boys in the past (Esai), so she’s hesitant to go whole hog into it, and Juice hasn’t had a “normal/civilian” girl show interest in him in a long time (that he’s noticed. I’m sure there have been others, Angela’s just a bit more obvious). They both are intrigued by each other because they’re different (if that makes any sense). To Juice’s knowledge at this point, Angela is a non-club-affiliated girl with a stable but weird job that he’s intrigued by (probably from video games and comic books because I’m sure Juice has read his fair share of zombie shit and played all the Resident Evil games).  Being Happy’s cousin, Angela is used to a…tougher kind of biker. Sure, she has Kozik to be more light hearted, but she saw him through a dark patch of his life when he was struggling with addiction. Juice with his big goofy grin doesn’t quite exude the same commanding, somewhat intimidating presence as the SAMCRO boys she’s used to, which I think is what makes her more curious and attracted to him too. I mean, who wouldn’t be after being on receiving end of one of his smiles? ;)
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Aaaaand I think that’s all I got! 🤣 Sorry for the rambling, but it was insanely fun to explore!!! I haven’t read the first chapter of this story in a LONG time. >.<
THANK YOU for the snippet!!  
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birlcholtz · 4 years ago
Fic Questions
tagged by @the-lincyclopedia thank you!! (fun game: watch my writing get progressively less formal as the post continues. by the end it’s like what is capitalization)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
434,378 as of this week but it does go up quite regularly
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Okay so in terms of what’s on my AO3, I have Check Please, All For the Game, Sharp Zero, HP, and Miraculous Ladybug. I also have The Forbidden LOTR and PJO Fanfiction (as in, I’ve written it, but it’s never seeing the light of day)
(technically there is a PJO fic out there that has seen the light of day but I orphaned it because I was tired of getting comments asking about when it would be updated)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
and then i met you (and the whole world changed)
for the better
Knew It Was You
come home (to you, to us)
sin bin schematics
All of these are Check Please and all of them except Knew It Was You are part of my Zimbits Airport AU!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! It’s actually a very recent thing that I’ve started not responding to literally every single comment. Mainly I respond because I love talking about my writing so I am going to seize that opportunity when it comes up
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, DEFINITELY Happy Birthday (HP). Check out that MCD tag ahah. (I say HP but what I really mean is that I write fic about Regulus Black. The Regulus Black-centric tag is my home in the HP fandom)
fun fact: this is a very short fic that I wrote when I was 15 and basically forgot about until recently, and then I reread it recently and went holy shit?? I pulled NO punches????
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the wildest one you’ve written?
Not a ton? I think a lot of the fandoms I write for don’t really mesh that well. That being said, the aforementioned orphaned PJO fic is actually a PJO/ML crossover, so there’s that
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nope! Sometimes I get comments that are just.... really confusing? And a more common thing is that in my AFTG fic I’ll get comments from people who are so focused on Andreil (or the most common ships in general) to the point that like. they miss the point of what I actually wrote. Those are annoying but they’re not hate, they’re very enthusiastic, they’re just... enthusiastic about a story I’m not writing? So it’s a bit frustrating.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No sjflskgjhgf I struggle enough to write kissing, I think if I ever tried to write smut my brain would just shut down. I’ve managed some fade-to-blacks (which are mostly in WIPs that haven’t been posted) but they rely HEAVILY on the powers of implication
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, although I have occasionally made a brief go of it, not to post, more as an exercise for myself in a language that I’m learning. Anyway I never finish them so I’m gonna say no
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really? I’ve definitely group brainstormed fics and then written them (the best example of this being Q&A (AFTG), which was the product of a truly off-the-walls group chat), but I tend to do all the actual writing myself. I think the way I write would drive a co-writer up the wall since it’s very disorganized and I don’t write stuff down because ~I know what’s gonna happen I don’t need notes~ and it would infuriate me if I was co-writing with me lmao, so I won’t inflict that on someone else
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I regularly move through ships I’m SUPER focused on, like it’s kind of a rotation. I will forever and always ship Percabeth though.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Okay so if you follow me at @birlwrites you may know this already, but i have this ‘warmups’ document that is just like, random ideas i get that i don’t necessarily want to finish but i just want to try out for a bit? and i have a rule that once a ‘warmup’ is more than 10 pages long (so 11+) then it has to be moved to its own document, just to make scrolling through the warmups doc easier. but usually, a warmup only passes 10 pages when i’m INTO it. so i have a bazillion wips i will probably never finish. i complain about this a lot. i have so many wips. i don’t need more.
here’s one: it’s titled ‘interrobang doesn’t know they’re dating’, it’s basically a full outline for a chowder/tango fic and it would be SO cool if i could ever like. get around to writing it. but i am constantly swamped with writing projects, so it’s probably not gonna happen. if anyone’s interested in adopting it though i’d be down for that!! i think it’s a fun idea i just almost def won’t write it myself
15. What are your writing strengths?
SNAPPY DIALOGUE AND SNARKY INTERNAL MONOLOGUE. my writing is COMEDIC, 90% of my ideas are based on a funny snippet that popped into my head, a lot of my worldbuilding is based on ‘hey you know what would be hilarious’ (whenever i explain how larai selects a chosen one in the rainfall universe i start laughing, which is a STARK contrast to how it plays out on the page), i love writing funny stuff!!
also i think my writing sounds nice, a lot of the time i pick words/syntax based on sound and flow so there’s that too. and i have lots of ideas! i don’t struggle much with writer’s block because a) i have a lot of strategies to deal with it and b) i have a lot of ideas to help get around it/work with it
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
PHYSICAL INTIMACY LMAO, sometimes in my end notes on shippy fics you can see me complaining ‘it took me literally 4 hours to write that very brief kiss’. also sometimes the humor in my writing gets in the way a bit, i have to very consciously put it away so characters can actually have serious, genuine emotions. also i don’t like outlining and i tend not to get betas for fanfiction so like..... i do my best continuity-wise but having really tightly plotted stories is just not my focus lol. (and i do put more effort into that for original stuff, it’s just fic where i kind of go wild)
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If the reader’s supposed to know what it means, then writing it in another language is iffy for me. (stuff like terms of endearment which come up a lot in fic are fine imo, you can just put a note in to translate them and your reader will prob remember)
If the pov character isn’t supposed to understand it, and it doesn’t matter if the reader understands it, then ig it’s fine? but unless you already speak the other language (and i am NOT confident in my ability to translate english into literally any other language), then i think it’s way easier to just note that a character’s speaking x language and provide tone indicators, body language cues, etc. so the reader understands as much as the pov character.
That being said there are def times when it’s used super effectively--the dialogue in spanish in cemetery boys comes to mind! that’s not fanfic but it’s still creative writing so w/e
so i guess it comes down to: does actually writing out the dialogue in the other language serve a purpose? if it doesn’t, then you’re filling up the screen with words your reader isn’t likely to understand, which i try to avoid doing
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
so the first fandom i actually *wrote* for was PJO, but i distinctly remember creating warrior cats OCs when i was little. i never actually did anything w them but i had them and my favorite was a riverclan warrior named shellstream i remember this VIVIDLY
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
oh boy. okay so this is hard because i feel like i’m continuously improving as a writer. like in the sense that my writing is getting closer and closer to really matching my own taste? my favorites tend to always be my current projects as a result. and i do really love set those ghosts alight (HP) but it feels a little like cheating to say a fic i haven’t even finished writing yet. even though it’s def not cheating, that’s just the direction my brain is taking it.
i’m gonna say and then what? (OMGCP) because i’m super proud of the prose (especially ch 2 aka the first actual prose chapter), survived by (HP) for SUCCESSFULLY WRITING AN EMOTION and making readers cry :), and Q&A (AFTG) because i’m literally the one who wrote it and yet it still makes me wheeze. those are all fics i reread occasionally, because i’m big enough to admit i enjoy rereading my old stuff! (just like. to a point. some of my old stuff i can’t look at anymore because all the mistakes stick out to me like they have spotlights shining directly on them)
this was fun!! i’m gonna do an open tag because i just started my fall semester and brain tired. i know sometimes people see open tags and assume the op didn’t really mean it but I MEAN IT, PLEASE DO THIS AND TAG ME!!!!! YES YOU READING THIS
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optimismrpt · 4 years ago
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I think it’s essentially to start with this disclaimer: This is merely how I run a rp and I’m not saying by any means it is how a rp should be run. I have found success through these methods all in combination and I can’t promise that they work all the time.
IMPORTANT ! if you use this guide as a basis for your rp please credit back to me somewhere on your front page, rules, or plot! this is a very specific type of rp (small limited run plot heavy skeleton rp) that i have worked very hard to develop over the past five years. i want you to learn from my successes and failures, and please give credit where it is due!
It is a lot of work! Like A LOT! And if you don’t have time to admin with full commitment this is not the right type of rp to attempt.
With that in mind, let’s go!
First of all, getting apps is fun and it’s easy to get wrapped up in the excitement and want to move things forward as soon as possible. However, I recommend you don’t rush! Do not move up your acceptance date or the date that you close the inbox! This isn’t fair to the people who were planning on finishing up their apps before the original deadline who now have to crunch to meet the new deadline or may not be able to make the new deadline at all because of irl responsibilities. It’s always good to give lots of warning for the inbox closing and stick to it! 
I also recommend that you do not lower the threshold of people needed to open. Sometimes it can be disheartening to set an app threshold at ten and then only get six apps, even if the days grind on with no new apps, stick it out and keep promoting! Opening with less than eight characters (and for apples I’d say 15 characters) is going to make activity lackluster. It’s better to delay opening for the sake of having a grand first day than to jump the gun and end up making the rp fizzle before it can even start. 
About 52 hours before acceptances are set to take place I like to write out a to-do list and put it in my drafts. It usually involves ‘write acceptance posts, update skeletons, update main, post acceptances, post follows, post opening note’. Just having everything you need to do between then and opening written out in order is so helpful. And being able to check things off the list creates both a feeling of relief and excitement. So make a plan, determine how soon everything needs to be done, and work through it meticulously. In the rush of opening day it can be easy to forget important things like updating the triggers page.
If I have time I try to write everything hours in advance. When it comes to things like opening announcements and plot drops I try to write those at least 24 hours of their release time. And this is why I like, for competitive rps, to close the inbox and then give myself at least two hours to deliberate. But I’d even encourage giving yourself 6 hours between the inbox closing and posting acceptances. I know that’s a while to make people wait but apps can get pretty long and reading them all (and probably rereading a few of them multiple times) can be a lengthy process! 
I always try not to read the apps at all before the deliberation time. I find that if I read an app when it comes in that gives the first person an advantage because they have more time for me to adapt to their vision and start to assimilate it and get attached. And that’s not fair to the people who may have stumbled upon the rp later. So I just read the app far enough to get the info for the app count.
Just as a general rule I like to post important dates and times in at least two different timezones. For example ‘Acceptances are at 6am GMT / 1pm EST / 10pm PST ’. That way you can show that you are keeping other timezones in mind. And plus it’s nice to just to the conversion work so your applicants don’t have to. 
Start by reading the apps which don’t have competition. These ones are easiest because it’s not a matter of determining whether they are the best of the bunch, it’s just deciding whether or not they are are passable. So I always read those first and then write their acceptance post immediately after I make my decision so that at least I’ll have that to post at the set acceptance date. That way, even if I haven’t made a decision on all the apps I’ll have something to post to show that I am reading apps and trying to stick to schedule! 
When your are dealing with competitive apps there are a few things I look for in an application: 
The most important is that the applicant seems willing to talk to you. This could be asks, ims, or even a little note in the app! Writers who want to make it clear what their intentions/desires/goals are ooc are going to be the easiest to work with! Plus it gives you an idea of how flexible they are! Those who dig their heels in when you offer up alternative suggestions are probably not good to work with. You want to find someone who has direction, intention, and ideas but don’t treat your ideas (or anyone else’s) as lesser than their own. 
Call for humor! I’ve found that I have trouble with people who take themselves and their characters too seriously. This means that they often won’t be up for plotting since they don’t want their character to be anything less than graceful. Humor is a really good sign that a writer is fun, creative, and understands their character. 
I also get wary of people who overhype the rp. Making edits/adding memes in the talk tag is all very nice, but when it looks like an rpt is promoting my rp just to give themselves an advantage over other applicants I tend to count that against them. I don’t like the idea of an rpt trying to use their signal boosting and popularity in the rpc as leverage over me. 
One of the biggest red flags is someone not sticking to the skeleton! If someone blatantly disregards one or more aspects of the skeleton that is an instant strike against them. I don’t like it when people have ocs that they adapt to fit a skeleton because most of the time that means that they don’t really care about the skeleton and your ideas. However, if they contact me about changes to the skeleton in advance and ask if some edits are alright then that’s actually a really good sign! I want people to play a character that they are happy about and I’m willing to change up any skeleton. I just need to know the applicant is willing to work with me instead of against me. 
Do not be afraid to deny applications. I used to never do this because I felt it was too mean and judgmental but now I realize I reserve the right as an admin to deny any app or character that I don’t vibe with. Go with your gut, and if the application is making you uncomfortable or nervous in any way, do not accept them. Sometimes it’s better to have one role go unwritten than to have someone who isn’t good for the group. Because both ic and ooc dynamics contribute to the effectiveness and survival of the group, you need to be excited to work with everyone and their characters. 
One of the ways that I protect myself from muns who may not be right for the rp is by putting a password in the rules. Often the apps that make me uncomfortable are the ones that disregard or contradict the skeleton or plot. It’s clear that the mun either wasn’t paying attention, reading the pages carefully, or just chose to ignore what they read. It’s often That the apps that I don’t vibe with end up being the ones that don’t read the rules and therefor don’t put the password. So not only is it a good indicator to me that the mun might not be very considerate but it’s also a great default reason to deny an app without having to tell the mun directly that you didn’t like other aspects of their app. Most often I allow them to reapply if they’d like to but their acceptance won’t be immediate, so that there’s a chance someone else might apply for the same role with an application than doesn’t skeeve me out.
Write out your acceptance notes. I try to write a full paragraph for everyone when I am accepting for a skeleton rp. If there’s more than 20 characters being accepted then obviously don’t, since that’s way too much to ask of you. But if it’s a small group I always endorse writing a little welcome the chosen mun saying what ti was about their appt hat you gravitated towards. It’s kind of a way to also provide feedback to those who were denied as to what their app might have been missing. Plus, it’s just a good way to get the right vibes going for the ooc portion of the rp. Muns need to feel appreciated! After all they put in the work to get there! 
I also like to offer feedback to those who were denied but with a disclaimer that most apps are chosen based on how they mesh with the other apps, since that’s something no one can anticipate. Usually the quality of the writing isn’t as big of a factor as how the character plays into dynamics with the others and whether or not their desired plots and connections with your vision and everyone else’s. Most of the time people won’t take you up on it, but be kind and thoughtful to those who do. However, if they are aggressive towards you in any way because they are upset about being denied block them immediately. Just trust me on that one. 
Keep everyone updated as to your progress! Just telling everyone where you are at (in the process of reading apps, writing the acceptance notes, or taking a break) is a good way to put everyone’s minds at ease. It’s especially important to let people know if you are logging off for a while on acceptance day.  That way people aren’t stuck refreshing the page and dreading that you might be ignoring them. On acceptance day I like to make a post every time I come online or go offline. It may seem like oversharing but it’s honestly so helpful to both you and the applicants. 
Once you are about to start posting acceptance notes, turn off anon. I know that anon can be very useful for those shy and curious folks that don’t want to im you directly, but this is another case where you’re just gonna have to trust me. For your mental health turn off anon and keep it off for at least 48 hours. I usually keep it off permanently unless there are more roles that need to be filled in a second round of acceptances. There aren’t really any questions that should need to be asked anonymously once you have a full roster of muns and this is a good way to get people used to asking you questions via discord, im, or dm. To prevent nasties from bullying you and to open the line of communication between you and your members, turn off anon! 
And finally, once you have posted acceptances, close your laptop or turn off your monitor and don’t come back to it for at least an hour. I like to give myself two hours to go on a walk, eat some food, and just do non-rp things for a while. Acceptances are stressful and it’s important not to get swept up in it and feel overwhelmed. Taking a step back and remembering you exist outside of rp and outside of being an admin is so important. It’s hard to resist temptation, but if you have anon off really the only thing that’ll come into your inbox are follow messages and those can wait for two hours (or more)! But like I said above, keep everyone updated that you are going to log off for a bit and you’ll be back. Just so no one assumes the worst. 
Just remember to be kind to your applicants and to yourself! It’s a stressful time for everyone! 
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honney-boy · 4 years ago
Wonder (Part 1)
Rudy Pankow x Oc!Reader
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gif by → @riobeth​
Wonder Series Masterlist | Wonder Playlist
Chapter summary:  Rudy and Nevaeh meet in person for the first time and things aren’t awkward. Yougurt cups, bananas and ice blended in a cup and maple syrup.
Full Summary and Story Concept
Warning(s): language, shenanigans, jet laggness, social media zombies, teenage girls
Words: 5k+
A/N:  This is my first attempt at a Rudy fic. My first series too! But if this flops, let's pretend it never happened, okay? :) But If you guys want to read more, please do let me know. Your love and support is the encouragement I need. I got the concept from tik tok haha. Fair warning, I am handwriting out chapters with a pen and paper before converting it digitally, so updates with be spread out. THERE WILL BE GRAMMAR MISTAKES! I'm human, and Tumblr is my test run for this series. Anywho, hope you enjoy :)
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One | “Social Zombies”
            In Nevaeh's opinion, airports were the worst. It wasn't due to the 38,000 feet in the air flying ride or the nothingness in the sky you see your whole flight; it was the people, the airports themselves, and the limited space.
Airports were much worse than flying - especially the San Francisco International Airport. Also known as SFO Airport. The few times, literally very few times, Nevaeh has been to the airport, she had poor experiences. Now, SFO Airport is definitely smaller than LAX and not as busy - it's a nightmare. You would think with a much smaller airport, there would be fewer crowds, but no, it's like a family reunion every day but with strangers. If you bump into the wrong person, your day on the off chance will get ruined.
Along with the busy crowds, there are many places to eat. From pizza to Italian to pie, your choices are endless. That's until half or more restaurants are closed or have long lines. Nevaeh never ate airport food, so she couldn't give her opinion on it. She'll leave that to the professional reviews. She wasn't at SFO Airport to judge the food or traffic flow, not even the staff's attitude - except she already gave a flight attendant a glare. The flight attendant took a bathroom break before their next flight and griped at Nevaeh because she used the last paper towel so they couldn't dry their hands. Air drying is a thing, and it works well, she thought to herself while leaving the restroom. She was not going to let one grumpy flight attendant ruin her great mood. She was going to meet someone who she hopes is special today.
Over the past two months, Nevaeh and this person had gotten to know each other well, virtually, that is. They met online, and Nevaeh lived in San Francisco while they lived in Alaska. Countless messages, facetime calls, photos, and videos were exchanged, and a bond was formed. Who would have thought that two people could meet through a video sharing social media app and hit it off? Most people start with dating apps, meet and get to know different people, but Nevaeh met them all because a video of hers popped up on their for you page.
Nevaeh created and shared a variety of things on the app. From cooking to creating and her little hobby of disco skating. She wanted to keep her followers and supporters entertained and herself; she didn’t want to be stuck, making the same content, so she did many things. Nevaeh thought maybe one of her disco skating, videography, or cooking videos drew them in, but it was one of her mini vlogs. In the video, she showed how she would scout places before spending the day getting footage for a short montage film or scenes for a movie she is working on. Not long after the discovery, they - he sent her a message asking about a more in-depth explanation of her process, and it went up from there.
Now, after all this time of them chatting back and forth, they get to meet. Nevaeh gets to meet him. 
Standing by the arrival gate, her eyes bouncing around the room at different things just to keep her mind centered and not all over the place. She wanted to pick at her nails, or hold her hands to her chest but she couldn’t hold them in place for long; she opted for playing with the white beaded bracelet he bought and sent to her in a box full of other things. It was so sweet of him; just thinking about the box she received makes her smile and her heart swell. Just last week she received a box full of thoughtful gifts. Inside were some of her favorite snacks, a movie she loved, one of his hoodies - it was the hoodie he wore the first time they facetimed. The hoodie was one of his favorites, but he had the urge to send it to her, he just wanted her to have it. And finally was the white beaded bracelet with a single aqua blue bead on it - he had the matching one with all aqua beads and one single black bead. She was having an uncreative and pretty shitty day until that box arrived on the front door step of her shared apartment.
“I wanted to surprise you, so I messaged Birdie asking her for your favorite snacks, I added the hoodie and got the two of us distance bracelets. You know, because we are long distance.” He told her later that day when they talked on the phone.
“Until you come here, or I go there,” she replied. She hasn’t stopped wearing the hoodies since and she has had the bracelet on since the moment she got it.
Nevaeh watched different people walk past her; none of them were him yet. The dirty blond mess he sported for hair shouldn't be that hard to miss, but the longer she searched, the more she doubted her assumption. 
It was another couple of minutes that went by, and she didn't see him, so she pulled her phone out to see if he had sent something. Maybe he has to catch a different flight, and he forgot to tell her, or perhaps he didn't want to meet after all. Her fingers type out a message to send, but a figure stands in front of her before she hits the send button. Nevaeh could see the shadow of their body from her peripheral vision, but she did not look up, hoping they would go away - but they didn't. Sending her message, the woman was preparing to turn away until she heard the stranger's phone go off. It's just a coincidence that their phone went off a couple of seconds after I sent a message. She said to herself, then she looked up and there he was. Dirty blond hair - a little long all over, but instead of it being in his face like it always is, it was pushed back and tucked underneath a red cap. His eyes were more lovely in person. The pair ranged from a light blue to gray, depending on the day. Today they were light blue. He sported stubble across his chin and cheeks with a blond mustache above his top lip. He wore nothing flashy, just a simple red ACDC sweatshirt, cargo shorts, and a pair of vans. He looked tired, but that didn't throw off the good vibes and smile he had going on. She couldn't help but smile back. He's here in the flesh. Rudy.
"Hi," he said light-heartedly, breaking the silence.
"Hi," she echoed; the smile on her face grew some more. "Wow, you're really here in the flesh."
He chuckled, and the sound woke up the butterflies in her stomach. "Yeah, I am. And you...the pictures and videos don't do enough justice for the actual thing." His eyes scan over her, noticing the navy blue Hilfiger sweatshirt he sent to her. Nevaeh couldn't help the dust of blush that appeared on her cheek.
“Talk about me, what about you? Who knew those Snapchat filters were hiding such a god-like person.”
“Oh, stop, you’re making me blush,” he joked while bashful. No matter online or in person, Nevaeh was still able to get him flushed; it was something he didn’t want to admit, not while he was flying blind with this.
Nevaeh smiled and had a tiny giggle; the full laugh was muffled by the hand she brought up to her mouth in an attempt to hold the sound back. He could watch her smile for a while. Is that weird? “How was your flight? I hope it wasn’t too horrible.”
“It wasn’t too bad,” he admitted. “Definitely long, but nothing a pair of earbuds, music, and a couple of movies couldn’t fix.” The two quickly began walking toward the direction of baggage claim. More of Rudy just following whichever direction Nevaeh was going. She did know the airport better anyway.
“Which movies did you watch?” she asked.
“Since I had six hours to waste - Joker, 1917 and Pride & Prejudice.”
“Oh, I see you listened to my suggestions; not surprised you watched Joker again,” Rudy shrugged his shoulders with a hum. “I’m surprised you didn’t watch the Harry Potter movies.”
Rudy rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Actually, I already watched them a couple of days ago,” Nevaeh hummed as if she were to say, ‘of course’ “You can judge me all you want. I won’t pay you any mind. Just the same as I did with the guy that had the aisle seat in my row. I guess other guys find it weird that a guy decided to watch a period drama on a flight.”
“He was just jealous he didn’t think of it first. Mr. Darcy’s pinning for Miss. Bennett and the film’s  overarching theme is too good not to watch.”
“That it is, who would want to miss the warnings heeded against trusting one’s first impression or prejudices?”
“Or the character arcs that grow throughout the storyline. I pity that aisle sitting man.”
“I do too,” Rudy agreed. “He missed out on a classic and had to get up to let the other person and me out to take a tinkle.” He did it again. He made her laugh genuinely. The conversation between them flowed. The small worry Nevaeh had earlier about the two of them not being able to continue the light-hearted and enjoyable nature they had over text had diminished. He seemed just the same - goofy, charismatic, charming, and caring - as he was over the phone the past month and a half. She, too, was still kind, compassionate, and sarcastic as before. Yet both of them had their own doubts about the thing they were doing; they didn’t know what it was or where it was headed, but they were willing to find out.
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           In the car, Nevaeh drove the route she knew from the airport to her shared apartment. Rudy sat in the passenger seat; his gaze focused out the window, watching the San Francisco scenery appear, disappear and morph as they passed by the window. The radio played while they sat in a comfortable silence - it impressed her how easily they fell into it. Wasn't it common for an uncomfortable silence? Two people who just met for the first time should struggle in an attempt to make a conversation, but not them.
To Rudy, the comfortable silence was almost expected. Granted, he did expect one of them to talk the other's ear off - he's glad neither of them was. The six-hour flight took its effect on the man, but he wasn't going to let his fatigue ruin the time they had together. He'll rest later. Spend time with her now, sleep later.
The car rolled to a stop, a red light shined on the traffic light hanging in front of them. Rudy's eyes watch a girl across the street riding down the sidewalk on a skateboard. Her stance relaxed, feet planted in a way that helped her ride easily; she was experienced, probably skated regularly. Watching her skate triggered a longing in Rudy for his board back at home. He rides on concrete and in the snow, but he was missing snowboarding the most. It was beginning to be summer, so the temperatures in Alaska were warmer. To warm for snow but warm enough for the evergreen to take over. Now he was in California, the state that was sunny all the time. The state that thrived in the summer and its soil hardly ever to never had the chilled touch of snow. His longing grew more for the chilly weather and white flakes.
The woman sitting next to him took the next couple of seconds between the light change to look at him. Catching the moment of his gaze out the window of her jeep. "I know you're probably tired from your flight. I had some ideas about the things we could do, but we don't have to do anything today." She spoke and after, glanced at the traffic light only to see it was still red.
Rudy tore his gaze from the distant image of the skater and met Nevaeh's. "I am, but if you want to do something, we can. I'm more than happy to hang out." He said.
Trying to reason, she said, "I know, but you just got off a six-hour flight." 
"Nevaeh, it's fine. I'm not that burned out. Time zones are an hour apart, and seven am isn't that bad." she begins to give him a skeptical look. She heard his words but feels as if he was only saying that to make her happy. He sat by her, leaned back, and relaxed. His head sat lazily against the headrest, and the smile he was giving her was light but tiresome. She switched her gaze from him to the traffic light, which turned green, and she didn't know when. Nevaeh eased her foot off the brake and to the gas pedal. "Seriously, we can do something."
“Fine,” She says after a moment. “I won’t wear you out too much more.” Flicking her left turn signal on after checking her mirror, she merges into the lane beside her. “There’s somewhere I wanna take you - well, maybe two places, but we’re going to the apartment first.”
“Alright, sounds good to me.” Nevaeh drove them to the apartment she shared with her long term friend. Rudy followed behind her as she led the way; they only spent a few minutes there. After a short tour, a bathroom break, and dropping off a couple of suitcases later, Rudy and Nevaeh left the place. They began a walk along the San Francisco hills to the mysterious place Nevaeh had in mind.
“This place is somewhere I walk to every other day. It’s Birdie’s and my favorite place.” It was a short six to eight-minute walk. Nevaeh reassured him before briefly going into a conversation about the impressive things you see in the city. Just like Nevaeh told him, they both come up upon a corner shop with a couple of large windows to see inside and out, a brown exterior with outside tables with green umbrellas and foldable outdoor chairs. The corner shop was known as the Nasik Cafe. For a small cafe, the place was doing well. There were a handful of people inside sitting, chatting, or ordering and quite a few sitting outside.
“This place is pretty health-oriented, and like Starbucks, it has things you could make at home for free, but their stuff is great,” Nevaeh explained to the man.
"So you spend way too much on yogurt cups, fruit drinks, toast, and other food you can make at home?" She nods her head like it was evident at what he said. Rudy shook his head. "Couldn't you just spend ten dollars on a yogurt cup?"
"Oh my goodness, they don't have yogurt cups, Rudy." She shook her head in disbelief.
"Okay, so ten dollars for a banana blended with ice in a cup - still sounds ridiculous to me."
"I can't with you," She tilted her head back, but she wasn't annoyed. She found his witticism amusing. At this rate, Nevaeh should prepare to always smile all the time around him. "You should find a table out here, and I can grab us something - wait, do you want to sit out here?"
Rudy nodded, then began to scan the area but only briefly seeing a couple of empty tables. "Yeah, it's nice out, let's enjoy it. Out here is great."
"Great," she says, pleased. "I'll grab something; I wanna surprise you. I'll be back." Nevaeh turns to walk inside. The smell of strawberries, oranges, and granola invaded her nose. It wasn't a new smell to her, but a new one for the day. She would always smell fruit and granola wherever she would walk into Basik. Some days it smelt like bananas and chocolate, or honey, peanut butter, and coconut. The smells varied, but the most prominent one was the tropical smell. To her left at a table was a couple enjoying smoothies. Both cops were a little under half full. A person sat at another table, invested in their laptop. To her right, more people sat. Art adorns the walls as realism paintings along with abstract images. There was a line at the counter; no more than four people stood waiting. She took the time to look up at the big and wide wood board hanging from the ceiling. When Nevaeh told Rudy she wanted to surprise him with something, she knew what she was getting for the both of them. The colorful and fruitful acai bowls.
Nevaeh and her roommate Birdie loved acai bowls. Birdie was the one to introduce her friend to the fantastic bowls she grew to love. Now it was her turn to turn another friend onto them.
The line moved along smoothly and grew smaller by the minutes. Once Nevaeh got closer, her lips stretched into a grin as her eyes caught sight of the barista.
"Hi, what can I get you? Could I interest you in our new fall to-Vae! Hey." the blonde barista's mood brightened significantly when she realized she was taking Nevaeh's order. She leaned across the counter and grabbed hold of Nevaeh's hand, and laced their fingers together. "What are you doing here? I thought you had to pick up your friend." She said, then making finger quotations. The barista was her roommate, Birdie. Birdie was a full-time college student and full-time barista to get by. She was more than happy to talk to her friend now that she wasn't as busy - Nevaeh was the only person in line for now.
"I was - I did pick up my friend. No air quotes, we're friends."
"For now."
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes at the blonde. "He's here with me, just outside." Birdie looked past Nevaeh and out the window in search of this guy. Nevaeh looked around for him, too; she didn't get to see where he chose to sit. "He's...the one with the red cap, right there." She pointed out once she spotted him. Birdie hummed and squinted her eyes to get a better look, which was difficult with the angle he sat at.
"He looks nice...from here," Birdie leaned back, so her fingers could let go of Nevaeh's and tap the terminal screen as she put her friend's usual order in. While Birdie did that, Nevaeh nodded in agreement but kept her gaze on him. "Lemme guess, the usual?"
"Kilauea; everything but-"
"No pollen and extra honey." Birdie finished with assuredness and not a drop of doubt in her answer. Her friend smiled, her eyes looking to Birdie with amazement.
"You know me too well."
"Well, you order the same thing almost every time."
"Touche," she couldn't argue with that. When it came to her acai bowl, she liked the Kilauea - made with mango juice, granola, berries, papaya, honey, and acai - the best. "And water, of course - make that two." She stepped back to look over the menu. Rudy wasn't familiar with the place, and he didn't know what they served, so Nevaeh wanted to get him something he hopefully liked. She decided to go with something not too fancy - directing her attention back to her barista friend. She went ahead and finished her order. "And...let me get the Islander acai bowl." That one was made with hemp mylk, granola, banana, berries, cocoa shavings, and honey.
Birdie rang up the rest of the order for Nevaeh. After catching a glimpse at the total, Nevaeh reached in the little card pocket of her wallet and grabbed her card. Unbeknownst to her, while she was getting her card, Birdie took her name tag and gave her friend her employee discount - she got it for half the price.
“I know you’re an independent woman and paying for the first date, the least I could do is give you a discount. Just don’t tell Daniel.” She winked, and Nevaeh gave her a thumbs up with one hand, and with the other, she made a zipping and locking motion over her mouth before throwing the key.
Outside, Rudy sat at the table he picked out for the two of them while waiting. While Nevaeh ran inside to get their order, he observed the small San Francisco scenery around him. California weather was sunshine with fluffy clouds. Just about everyone was either in shorts, a tank, and a cut-off shirt or any other summer clothing that provided them some comfort in the blazing sun. He dressed just right for the weather, though in Alaska, it was more on the chill side, causing him to wear a sweatshirt while he left. Now that he was basking in the California weather, he took off the warm sweatshirt and left it at Nevaeh’s apartment.
There were other people outside along with him. A group of girls sat a few feet away at a table in front of him, trying not to giggle as they attempted to make a video. At another table, there were two guys, perhaps brothers. They were eating something colorful from a bowl - it looked like yogurt to Rudy - and having a conversation with one another.
Rudy shook his head at the drastic difference between the two tables. Maybe it was just him, but it was amazing how much the world - more specifically America- was wrapped up in technology and social media. Sure the brothers at the one table had digital watches that told them the time and lit up, catching their attention with a vibrate when a text or notification went to their phone. But at least they could carry on a conversation without having their phone in their hands. On the other hand, those girls haven’t put their phones down longer than a few seconds. After those seconds, they tap away or show the other something they thought was worthy enough to gauge a reaction out of them.
Rudy wasn't one to judge. He didn't have much right to because while watching them and waiting for Nevaeh, he had the urge to pull out his phone. It was almost like a habit, but he chooses not to feed the temptation. He wanted to enjoy the day with Nevaeh; notice the burn on his skin from the sun, get to know her, have fun, pick up on little cues she has, and find out what he likes the most about her. And though it was kind of ironic that the two of them met through social media, he hopes Nevaeh is not one of those social zombies. Then this trip would be a waste of time and effort.
Ruby pulled his sunglasses down due to the sun starting to bother his eyes. Then he also wanted to cover his eyes and focus on something else while he waited. A minute later, Nevaeh walked out of the cafe's door backward with her back pushing the door open. In her hands, she had what she ordered; he wondered what she got. Rudy briskly stood up out of his seat to help her out.
"Hey, let me help you out," he walks around the table towards her, but she only nods him off.
"I got it, you sit."
"You have all the food and drinks in your hands; it's the least I can do." he stood off to the side, not interfering but reading despite what she said. He watches her struggle a bit and almost drops the stuff. Rudy immediately reached out, but Nevaeh had already saved herself and looked at him with a smile.
"I got it, Rudy. I was just pulling your leg." He picked up on the playfulness in her eyes, which made him pull his lips into a smile matching hers; her smile is definitely contagious.
“Alright, alright,” he raised his hands, backing away and then taking his seat. Nevaeh took her seat across from him, sat everything down before passing him the items she got him. “What’d you get us?”
“Well, I don’t know if you have had this before, but it’s my go-to thing to get here. It’s an acai bowl,” Nevaeh’s eyes caught his confused expression before he tried to cover it up with an understanding.  She laughed softly and explained further. “It’s like a smoothie bowl with other things in it.”
“Smoothie bowl…” he murmured more to himself, but she still heard it.
Shaking her head, she continued. “Acai palm is the main ingredient along with bananas and granola, but you can add other fruits or peanut butter and syrups. Or take things off.”
“Like maple syrup?” he asked, looking at the acai bowl she got him.
Her face begins to twist in disgust until she covers it with a shrug and looks down at her bowl, ready to dig in. “Uh, I guess if that’s what you want, then yeah.” She answered, and Rudy nodded his head and grabbed his spoon to take a taste. Before Nevaeh tasted her own, she watched Rudy, waiting for his reaction. He took a bite, letting the flavor invade his taste buds.
“Wow, this is good,” He says after swallowing. He glanced up, catching Nevaeh already looking at him. She quickly looked away and stirred her bowl.
“I’m glad you like it; it’s my second favorite one,” she peeked back up, and Rudy was still looking at her. Laughing softly to herself, then shaking her head, she takes a bite of her own, almost moaning at the taste. “I’m surprised you haven’t had one before.”
“ I have wanted to try one, but never really went with actually going out to get one.”
“Well, maybe now you will get them more often,” She says but stops herself before taking another bite. “Wait...you aren’t allergic to any fruit, are you? Or granola?”
He lifted a brow while getting another scoop. “Oh, only bananas,” He replies. Nevaeh watches him as he lifts the spoon to his mouth and takes another bite that includes bananas before she could reach across the table and stop him in time. “What?” he looked at her. Her eyes were wide with shock and fear, her mouth opening to say something but closed when nothing came out. “Is there something wrong?”
Nodding her head slowly, she sat down her spoon and reached for her phone in her pocket just in case. "You ate a banana, and you just told me you were allergic to them." Nevaeh wanted to yell at him for being so careless, but that would mean she was too for not asking before ordering something random for him. She pretended to remain calm but was internally panicking.
"I actually eat them all the time," he held back the smile easing its way into his features. "I eat them quite often. They're a great source of potassium and vitamin C."
"So you aren't allergic to bananas?" she noted, and Rudy shook his head. His mouth broke out into the smile he managed to hold back for a few seconds. Nevaeh relaxed a bit, her shoulders dropping as she was no longer tense. "You're an asshole, you know that, right?" Rudy gasped softly, a hand placed on his chest as he looked at her, offended at her comment.
"What, me, an asshole? That can't be right, I'm really nice," he said and made Nevaeh huffed. "What do you not believe me?"
The woman shrugged, the smile still on her face when she looked down at her food. "Well, you did play a mean joke just now; I thought I almost killed you." She reminded him and picked at her bowl.
"I wanted to see how caring you were, and you passed the test. Now you love me, don't you?"
"You wish," she said, taking a bite then pointing at him with her spoon. "We're going on a road trip together, let's see if I survive that, then I'll let you know if I like you enough to be your friend or jump out of a moving car because you're an annoying little shit."
Rudy raised his eyebrows, smirking at her now. "Me being an annoying little...alright. Let's make a deal," he starts; Nevaeh gestures for him to continue. "If you survive this road trip, meaning - if you have a great time - I get to take you to my home town in Alaska. Ah, ah. I'm not finished." he held his finger up to stop her from making a comment. She rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair, attempting to hide a simple, but you could see the amusement on her face. "If you don't have a great time, I'll do whatever you want."
"So, If I understand right, If you win, you get to take me to Alaska - assuming I haven't been there already,"
“Wait, you’ve been to Alaska?” Nevaeh held her finger up, echoing his movements moments before.
“If you win, you take me to Alaska, and if I win, you do whatever I want, correct?”
“Yeah, as long as it’s not too inappropriate or impossible,” He says, already finished with his acai bowl, which Nevaeh didn’t remember seeing him eat the rest. It didn’t matter when he ate it, she didn’t care, but that was quick. Looking down at her own, she wasn’t more than halfway done. “So, so we have a deal?”
Nevaeh looked up from her food, meeting his ocean-like eyes. The pair were becoming more familiar over the past few weeks from countless photos and videos the two have shared over Snapchat. Messages over text and facetime calls. They got to know each other digitally, and now they have to learn more in person. 
“We have a deal.” She says, and Rudy sticks his hand out, which she gladly took. They shook hands. While doing so, Rudy thought of a million possibilities to get the woman across from him to a great time and not just so he could take her to Alaska, his home. He found her intriguing, and he wants to take the time to get to know her better and maybe have a solid standing friendship at the end of it all. If the cosmos had a say, perhaps something more would blossom.
➣ End Note:
So, I honestly don’t know how the next few or future chapters will go but hopefully they turn out well. Here are the Revaeh interactions we all needed and plenty more to come so just you wait. ;)
Wonder Taglist:
@Scooby6, @ifilwtmfc​, @rudypankowswife​, @themaddies-obx​
[If your username is bold and slashed out it means i can’t tag you. If you want to be added to the taglist add yourself here! If you no longer want to be on it let me know. :) ]
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mfbbetterfury-extras · 4 years ago
“Why make character profiles?”
No one’s asked about this, but I figure I’ll explain my reasoning ahead of time just in case.
There are a lot of changes from canon in this project. I think that’s already obvious, but from my own experience I know I can often confuse aspects of a character that I view or use in multiple things. (Seriously, the times I confuse full names between the same character in different RPs? More often than you’d think.) So I wanted to make a quick and easy way to access information on those changes.
A few things this information is meant to help keep clear are:
Some of these changes affect previous seasons. Relationships between characters and the status of someone’s bey are two such changes I can think of from the top of my head. While these things will be talked about in episodes, I also think it’s a good idea to keep it collected in one place to refer back to so you don’t have to skim through episodes looking for something.
More clearly speaking, let’s say that a bey someone was known to have in season 1 will be changed to something entirely new. The episodes will address this directly, but the changes will also be noted in the profiles.
There will be a handful of OCs. They won’t be playing giant roles, but they’ll be there. Since they won’t have show canon background to refer to like say, Gingka or Kenta, I figure an easy way to make sure people can remember what’s been learned about these characters is to make these profiles.
Related to the previous point, some canon characters that weren’t originally featured in Metal Fury will be shown in this project. While some of them won’t get enough “screentime” that we know what’s going on with them, the profiles are a way to peek into their lives away from the story and see what they’ve been up to. In this case it’s more just a little bonus for those characters that are out of the spotlight but are someone’s favorites nonetheless.
And, of course:
This is a rewrite. Plenty of things are going to differ from the canon material. To keep things straight, both from your perspectives and mine, these profiles will act as something like mini wiki pages for each character. They’ll be added and/or updated after each batch of episodes released to stay up-to-date and reflect these changes in the story. While they won’t be super detailed, I hope to make them descriptive enough that important changes won’t be forgotten.
With that covered, let’s talk about how they’ll be posted!
Unlike the episodes, I don’t plan on releasing profiles as individual posts. With so many profiles being released with each episode batch, and how many will be updated frequently, it feels like a hassle I would much rather avoid.
Instead, the profiles for each batch will be collected on an online doc and linked to after the full batch of episodes is released. A new link will be provided with each batch, but old links will remain available.
The general set-up of a profile is pretty basic. It has bullet points to cover a character’s alliances, beyblade, special moves, and then some general info to describe them.
The profiles will be collected on Coda.io, which is sort of like Google Docs/Sheets put together. The reason for this is that Coda gives you the option to do this:
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And not only is that super handy for putting multiple profiles on one page, I just think it’s really neat.
(You do not need an account to view docs on Coda, though as a fair warning, you won’t be able to access dark mode without one.)
I think that’s all the important things, and if it’s not, I’ll add whatever I potentially forgot later.
tl;dr this is the Better Fury wiki, have a nice day
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lixiepeach · 5 years ago
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Stark!reader
Warnings: Pining, a bit of angst, light fluff, probably a lot of cliches. 
Summary: Y/N Stark has a huge crush on Steve Rogers, but she’s scared to tell him.
A/N: This is for @kellyn1604​’s 5K writing challenge. I chose the prompt: “I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.” This is also my first time doing a reader insert instead of an OC so I’m checking off a lot of firsts with this one.
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You had a serious problem. Of course, you only realized this at the most inconvenient time. This time you were sparring with Natasha and of course, Steve had to be right in your line of sight squatting the weight of a small car. You can’t help but watch the sweat slide between the ridges of the muscles in his back, the way his perky butt stood out as he squatted low. You almost bite straight through your lip as Natasha lands a solid kick right to your abdomen, flattening you on the floor. You lay there, staring up at the ceiling, wheezing for breath as she stands over you, smirking. You have no shame. None at all. 
Natasha kneels on the floor next to you, leaning in close. “You let your guard down again, Y/N.” 
You lift your head up, glancing at where Steve was now stretching before looking up at her. “Can you blame me?” 
“Why don’t you just tell him?” 
“I’m definitely not his type, for starters.” 
Natasha tilts her head. “And what is his type?” 
You motion up and down at her. “You. Strong, brave, heroic.” You poke at your stomach. “I’m all soft and cowardly. He wants someone who will run into the face of danger, not from it.” 
“You’re sure that’s what he wants and that’s not just what you think he wants?” 
You shrug. “Look at his dating history. It’s short but concise. He has a type, and it’s not me.” 
You try to convince yourself that he would never go for someone like you, shoving your feelings to the side. You were a scientist. An engineer, keeping with the family tradition. You would build machinery that could bring down a building, but that was where your heroics ended. You hadn’t gotten your father’s selflessness to put yourself in danger to help others. Maybe you were selfish but you’d seen enough of it to last you more than a lifetime. You were more than happy to stay behind the lines, making sure everyone’s gadgets worked perfectly. So that’s where you buried yourself to avoid facing your feelings for the Star-Spangled Man. 
Of course, that was hard when you were currently doing updates on his suit and you needed him to try it out. It had taken you nearly a half an hour to build up the courage to message him to meet you in your lab and bring his shield. The prospect of being alone with him scared you beyond belief. What if you said something stupid? What if you just malfunctioned and melted into a pile of goo? Perhaps the latter would be a less embarrassing end than other situations you could come up with. 
Like forgetting to breathe when he walks in. Yeah, suffocating yourself was definitely more embarrassing than turning into goo. It’s not your fault though since he insists on walking around like a male model with his slicked-back hair and too tight t-shirts and perfectly fitting jeans, just tight enough to show off his lower body. Yeah, you had it bad. Real bad. 
“Hey.” He says, nearly stopping your heart with an award-winning smile. 
“H-Hi.” You smile back, but you’re sure it looks more like a wince from your inability to not stutter. You had gone through years of therapy to fix that. And this man in front of you had the ability to undo that with one word. 
“You said you needed me to test something?” 
You nod, swallowing your nerves, praying your hands don’t shake as they pick up his glove off your work table. “I fixed the magnet in your glove. It should work all the time now, instead of just being finicky. No offense of course to my dad but he’s got so much going on sometimes and he’s so sleep-deprived pretty much all the time, sometimes he forgets to put the right wire in the right place and I’ve seen what happens when he connects the wrong ones and I don’t want you to have to go through that recovery process so...I’ll stop talking and let you try it out.” You give him a nervous smile, inwardly berating yourself for your nervous banter as you hand his glove back to him. 
He smiles, his fingers brushing yours as he takes the glove from you, your heart nearly stopping in his chest. His hands aren’t as calloused as you thought they would be. You’d felt your dad’s hands and there was no expensive moisturizer that was going to save him. Steve’s hands though are surprisingly smooth, probably having something to do with the serum and his healing abilities. He only had callouses where he needed them. 
Steve slips his glove on, setting his shield on the floor before activating the magnet. You jump slightly as the shield snaps up onto his arm again, holding in place. 
He turns to you, smiling. “Looks good right now.” 
You nod, swallowing the lump in your throat. “Good! If it starts to act up again, just let me know. I’m happy to take another look at it.” 
Steve nods, fiddling with the shield as he hesitates for a moment. Your heart starts to pound in your chest as adrenaline rushes through you. Now’s your moment. You want to blurt out all of your inner thoughts, confess your feelings, tell him you love him and want to spend the rest of your life with him. 
“Hey, Steve?” You step closer, but your confidence fades as he looks at you. 
His blue eyes freeze you in place, stealing the words from your lips. “Yes, Y/N?” 
You gulp a little. “I-If you ever need anything else fixed...you can come straight to me. I know my dad likes to try and fix everything and he tends to just send the small stuff to me but I know he can get a little backed up and distracted and with your guys’ unpredictable schedules it can be kinda hard if you need something right away, so I’m here if you need anything. Anything fixed, that is.” 
Steve nods and you can’t help but notice a flash of disappointment in his eyes. Maybe you had just imagined it from your own disappointment in your cowardice. “Thanks, Y/N. I’ll keep that in mind.” 
You let out a breath as you watch him leave, hitting your work table in frustration at your own lack of bravery. One day. One day you would tell him. 
You’re one day too late. Steve comes down to the rec room dressed to the nines and you can feel your heart breaking a little. He has flowers in his hands, daisies in a nice bouquet. You feel your hands shake as they hold your book, Steve looking like a dream. A dream you had envisioned many nights alone, but this one wasn’t for you. 
“How do I look?” Steve asks Sam who’s sitting at the opposite end of the couch from you. 
“Man, when you clean up, you do it nicely,” Sam says. “Who’s the lucky lady?” 
“One of the girls from accounting. Natasha set me up.” 
You can feel your heart breaking even more. Not only from disappointment but also from betrayal. You had thought of Nat as a friend, but maybe you had been wrong. Your breath catches as Steve turns to you, and you try to hide the disappointed look on your face. 
“Y/N? What do you think?” 
You nod, swallowing the lump in your throat. “You look great.” 
He smiles at you and your heart breaks all over again. “Thanks. I’ll be home late so no one wait up for me.” 
“We won’t,” Sam says jokingly as Steve makes his way out of the rec room. 
You try to go back to your book but you can’t concentrate on it, fighting the tears threatening to spill. You had wasted your moment and Steve had already found someone else. You get up from the couch, heading to the only person you know you can trust in the tower. 
He’s right where you expect him to be, hunched over his work table messing with something. You can’t really see through the tears, leading yourself blindly to his side. 
He glances up from his work, doing a double-take as he sees the tears running down your cheeks. He sets his tools down, reaching out for you. “Hey pumpkin, what’s going on?” 
You fall against his chest, clinging to his shirt. He smells like aftershave and metal but you don’t care, burying your face in his chest. “Why can’t I be brave like you?” 
He wraps his arms around you, and you can tell he’s staring at you. “What do you mean?” 
“Steve’s out on a date. I wasn’t brave enough to ask him and I missed my chance.” 
“It’s not your fault.” He rubs your back.
“Why can’t I just talk to him? Be smooth like you?” 
He sits you down on a stool, holding you at arm’s length. “I’m not always smooth. I almost missed my shot with your mom.” 
You tilt your head. You hadn’t ever heard this story before. “What do you mean?” 
“You know I met your mom while we were in school and she was literally the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I swear I thought I would die any time she even looked at me. It was like all the experience I had talking to women just went out the window. I couldn’t work up the courage to ask her out and the one time I finally did she already had plans with another guy. Two months went by before they broke up and I finally got the chance to shoot my shot and, well, you know how the story ends. So don’t give up hope. It’s just one date. You’ll get there.” 
You want to believe him. You really do. 
It’s later that night and you can’t sleep. It was pushing eleven and the tower and quieted down as everyone either left for the night, went to bed, or to their respective workspaces to avoid sleeping. You had taken a page out of your dad’s book and buried yourself in your lab, working on a couple of things you had decided to put together out of boredom. Mostly it was a need for a distraction. You weren’t sure if Steve had come back yet and you were too scared to ask FRIDAY if he had or not. You weren’t really sure you wanted to know the answer to that question. 
Turns out you didn’t need to. 
The sly AI let you know that Steve had returned, and was currently in the kitchen. You push all your fear and doubt aside, your legs shaking as you get up and make your way there as well. You nearly turn and run as you walk in, Steve having taken his jacket off and was just in a pair of slacks and a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. You push the small shred of bravery forward, making your way further into the kitchen. Steve looks up where he’s sipping a cup of water next to the fridge. 
“You’re up late.” 
You nod, coming to a stop a few feet from him. “Yeah, I couldn’t sleep. Decided to work on some stuff.” He nods, taking another drink. “Steve, there’s something I need to say.” 
He looks back to you, swallowing the water he had just drank. You don’t give him a chance to respond, knowing if you wait any longer, you’re not going to get it out. 
“Steve, I’ve been trying to say this for a long time and I keep talking myself out of it and convincing myself that I’m not good enough and I’m tired of being hurt and heartbroken so I’m just going to come out and say it. I’m a simple girl. I know that’s kind of surprising given my childhood and my dad and the fact that I could basically have anything I really wanted, but there’s only one thing I really want. I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.” You take a breath, Steve not even blinking as he takes in your words. “I know you’re already seeing someone and by the looks of it the date went really well and I’m really late letting you know this and no matter how much it hurts I hope you two are happy together. I just needed to say it-” You’re cut off by Steve’s finger on your lips. You hadn’t even noticed him approach you in your ramblings. 
“I’m glad you did.” He moves his finger from your lips, staring down at you. He smells good, like spice and Italian food. “The date…didn’t really go well. I realized the gal wasn’t really my type and I also realized while I was sitting at the restaurant that I liked someone else. I kept imagining her sitting across from me instead of the girl from accounting.” You stare up at him, unsure of what he’s going to say. “You. I was imagining you.” 
It takes a moment for his words to hit you, but when it does you feel like your feet are going to float off the ground and you’ll lift right to the ceiling. You get the same feeling you do when you’re on a roller coaster heading down the big drop at the beginning like your stomach is still sitting at the top of the hill and all circulation has ceased except between your heart and your brain. You know you’re shaking but you’re not entirely sure you had stopped since you left your lab. 
“Steve...I...don’t know what to say...I’ve spent so much time...dreaming about this...I…” 
He wraps an arm around you, holding you close. “Then don’t say anything.” 
He leans down, pressing his lips to yours. They’re soft against yours, and you have to question Natasha’s opinion that he hadn’t done much kissing since the ’40s. Not that you had much experience to go off of. 
“God I wish I had confessed earlier.” You breathe for a moment, Steve smiling before pressing his lips back to yours. 
You’re not sure how long you stand there, lost in each other. Months of pent up emotions and feelings leaving you both. Steve leans his forehead against yours, breath fanning over your face. You didn’t want to move, but the exertion from all of the emotions that had just come to the surface has your body realizing how late it really is. 
“So, I know you just went on a date, but maybe next weekend we could go see a movie or something?” You ask as you pull away from Steve. 
He nods. “Sure. I’d love to take you out.” 
You smile at him. “Great. I’ll be sure to clear my schedule.” You turn, heading towards the door, but you stop, turning around to face him again. “Oh, and Steve? I like roses.”
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synoxshots · 5 years ago
OC list
Yo! I’ve finished the Big Update to my oc page, filling in nearly all the characters in my legacy and including my two new Sith babies. I’m also cross-posting here under the cut in case it’s easier/because I’m extra. 
Edited and up to date as of September 2020.
Universe notes: 
Main universe has Yalla’ra as the Outlander/Alliance Commander, all fit into that barring Iphedarius
Iphedarius is my dark side Outlander/Commander AU - as I couldn’t see her playing nicely enough to fit in to an Alliance that wasn’t her own.
Qiren also has an AU where she is the Outlander and the Alliance doesn’t side with either the Republic or Empire. In Yalla’ra’s universe Ticcer is the story-canon smuggler, Qiren funds the Star Fortress resistances before formally joining the Alliance.
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Class: Jedi Knight
Type: Guardian
Species: Miraluka
Born: 12 BTC
Born on the Miraluka homeworld of Alpheridies, Yalla'ra's force talents were clear from a young age and led her to join the Jedi Order. She quickly rose to prominence whilst learning under Master Orgus Dinn, but despite her triumphs she was far from the ideal Jedi – struggling to control her emotions, being too ambitious, and being prone to acting rashly. After joining the Tol Braga's strike team to face the Emperor, she was haunted by her failure and determined to destroy the Emperor no matter what the cost. Despite her success, the dark path she led strained her relationship with the Jedi Council, who denied her the rank of master despite her achievements.
Her path changes after meeting the ghost of Orgus Dinn on Rishi, who helps her realise she's lost perspective of what a Jedi should really be. She regains her memories of her time being possessed by the Emperor and is overwhelmed with guilt – for her actions then, but also before and since. As Alliance Commander she follows the path of the light, being determined to have a positive impact on the galaxy by first and foremost helping its citizens.
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Class: Smuggler
Type: Scoundrel
Species: Mirialan
Born: 14 BTC
Ticcer was just a teenager when the Sacking of Coruscant happened, orphaning him and his sister and destroying their home. He has to start doing all he can to get by – running small cons, pickpocketing, stealing speeders – all sorts of petty crime that is part of daily life in Coruscant's underworld. He has a natural charm which he uses to swindle as many people as he can, and he also learns to fight dirty to get by.
He hates the Empire for destroying what his life might have been, but is apathetic towards the Republic because they were never there for him and his sister in their time of need. When his sister dies in the crossfire of a fight, he ends up becoming more ruthless and selfish, taking on an attitude of him against the world.
His life as a smuggler starts when a con gets a bit too big on him, leading to him killing the guy in self defence and running off with his ship filled with guns to be delivered offworld. Ticcer happily obliges and falls in love with the life he finds, first falling in with a smuggling crew and later deciding to go out on his own.
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Class: Jedi Consular
Type: Sage
Species: Human
Born: 10 BTC
Ruka'ii is devoted to the force, always believing she is following in the path it has laid out for her and trusting in it to guide her actions. She believes her role as a Jedi is to serve others and the Republic, and as such completes her missions without complaint to the burdens placed upon her.
She always seeks to understand the people she meets and their motivations, and would much rather use her words than resort to combat. She believes in justice and redemption, willing to give her enemies a second chance wherever possible. She is also unafraid to stand up to her allies when she believes their choices are leading to a dark path, even when this may be a hindrance to their objectives. She has a talent for diplomacy and negotiating, which leads to her being chosen to work with the Rift Alliance and gaining the title of master despite her young age.
She is a scholar with interests in history and archaeology, the complexities of the force, and other cultures throughout the galaxy. When she is not away on a mission, she is often to be found studying in the archives on Tython and maintaining contact with her allies from her travels.
Qiren Alto
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Class: Smuggler
Type: Gunslinger
Species: Human
Born: 15 BTC
When Qiren Alto started smuggling she thought she'd be all about the money, but somewhere along the line she became the person that stands up from the little guy. Her and her crew still get a good share, but she likes to steal from the rich and give it to the poor – a bit of direct action against the political machines of the galaxy. She believes in loyalty and is happy to help a friend out, but still won't hesitate to take revenge when she's betrayed or someone takes a shot at her reputation. Overall she sees herself as one of the good guys, even if sometimes she's doing the right thing for the wrong reasons or vice versa.
She's a massive flirt, not caring if they're Empress of the Sith or Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, she'll still give them the eye. She's snarky and cocky and aware of her skills, charms, and good looks – and she likes to bring that up as well. She'll find the funny side in even the most serious of situations and make everyone – companions and enemies – roll their eyes. She likes to look the part as well, and believes a good hat and a good jacket are two of the most important things a smuggler should have.
Jayma Oli
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Type: Powertech
Species: Human Cyborg
Born: 16 BTC
Growing up on Nar Shaddaa, the underworld was just a way of life for Jayma Oli from a young age. Her parents owned a popular cantina on the city planet, but it was more of a front for the shadier business dealings that went on behind the scenes. Jayma followed in the family profession as soon as she was old enough to hold a blaster, gaining a reputation as an enforcer despite her youth and small stature.
Growing up around spacers gave Jayma an unshakeable wish to travel the galaxy however, and to see the sights she'd heard about in all their stories. When she turned 18 she left her home to live that dream, making a living as a hired gun and soon finding a place for her talents with a smuggling crew. She is professional in her role, following her orders to the letter, and though she doesn't kill for the sake of it she is always determined to defend her honour. Money is her prime motivator over any political beliefs: she has no great love for either the Republic or the Empire, but often finds herself working with the Empire as they offer her the best deals.
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Class: Sith Warrior
Type: Marauder
Species: Sith Pureblood
Born: 14 BTC
Iphedarius was born to an ancient Sith bloodline, and taught from an early age to value and pursue power above all else. As the fifth of six children she faced less pressure from her parents to provide further heirs, and was able to focus fully on her Sith training. She proved powerful in the force, fully giving in to the dark side and encouraging Sith values amongst her companions, and rose to become one of the most powerful Sith in the galaxy in her role as Emperor's Wrath.
She tried to remain faithful to the Emperor for as long as possible, though eventually his atrocities could no longer be ignored and she sided with Darth Marr for his expedition into Wild Space. When Valkorion took up residence in her head, she was at first willing to use his power but realised by doing so she would never have true control. After his defeat she seized the opportunity to become Empress, later returning to become Empire's Wrath after the destruction of the Eternal Fleet.
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Class: Sith Inquisitor
Type: Assassin
Species: Twi’lek
Born: 12 BTC
Xianen was part of a group of Jedi younglings travelling to an enclave when their ship was attacked by the Sith and all non-humans shunted into slavery, though watched carefully for evidence of their force abilities. Initially she resolves to stay true to the Jedi way and attempts to escape from slavery numerous times with varying levels of success, but over time the punishment she is given breaks her resolve and she gives herself fully to the dark side of the force. She is bitter and angry, vowing revenge against the weak Jedi Order and wishing to show them the full force of the dark side. This delights the Sith, and she is duly sent to Korriban to receive full training.
Emyr Devand
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Class: Sith Warrior
Type: Juggernaut
Species: Human
Born: 13 BTC
Emyr Devand was born on Ziost, his parents being active members of the Ziost Liberation Front. His parents did their best to keep their terrorist activities a secret, though drip-fed him some of their ideas and also encouraged him to hide his force-sensitivity, not wanting him to become a Sith. However, when Emyr was nine his parents were uncovered as traitors and sent to prison, leaving him to be raised by his staunchly pro-Empire grandparents.
His grandparents were delighted to discover his force-sensitivity, seeing it as a matter of pride when they sent him off to the Sith academy and a chance to dispel the family shame caused by his parents. He arrives at the academy with much to prove and relishes the chance to finally learn to use his force powers, but his parents have had enough of an influence that he finds himself struggling to give himself truly to the full ideals of the Sith.
Onyxus Vai
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Class: Bounty Hunter
Type: Mercenary
Species: Rattataki
Born: 20 BTC
Born on Rattatak but fed up with the planet's warring ways, Onyxus always wished to leave his homeworld behind and seek his fame and fortune in the wider galaxy. His size, physicality, and fighting skills honed on his planet soon helped him to find freelance work for many gangs and spacers in the years that followed. However, despite appearances and his obvious ability, away from the job he is a relaxed, quiet character and known by his friends to be a gentle giant.
Over time as a freelancer, he finds himself repeatedly bumping into the pirate crew of Paxton Rall, the two saving each other several times on their travels before deciding it will save them a lot of time if Onyxus simply joins his crew. The two form a close friendship and later romance, travelling the galaxy and living the pirate lifestyle. Onyxus joins the Great Hunt as part of a harebrained scheme cooked up by the crew after his birthday celebrations, another of their wild plans for fame and adventure. It comes as something of a surprise when he gets accepted, but he soon makes a name for himself as a successful bounty hunter.
Leire Santo
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Class: Trooper
Type: Commando
Species: Human
Born: 15 BTC
The child of two Republic military heroes, Leire Santo was always destined to follow in her parents' footsteps. After excelling during her time in a military academy and impressing in early postings, she was scouted to join the elite Havoc Squad. Despite a self-confidence that could at times border on arrogance, the shock of having to suddenly take upon a position of leadership proved to be the making of her. She believes in doing the right thing and never wants to stoop to the Empire's level, even when at times it contradicts the strict letter of the orders given.
Though her injuries cause her to step back from active duty during the war against Zakuul, her leadership skills and tactical insight make her a key member of the Eternal Alliance. As the Alliance formally becomes part of the Republic following the destruction of the Eternal Fleet, Leire is elected as the senator for Odessen.
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Class: Jedi Knight
Type: Sentinel 
Species: Chiss
Born: 18 BTC
Ank'aeto'sonu - more often known as Kaetos or Kaet - was born on Csilla, a force-sensitive child in a society that shunned force users. Loving their child dearly and wanting a future where they wouldn't be forced into hiding, when Kaetos reached adulthood their parents paid for a series of transports to a Republic core world where they could seek out the Jedi.
Kaetos arrived on Corellia in the days following the Treaty of Coruscant when tensions were still high, and so was initially treated with high suspicion on their meeting with Republic forces. However, their persistence paid off when meeting Jedi Master Tol Braga, and they soon found themself joining the Order as a padawan learner. With a lot of catching up to do, they find their force training both frustrating and hugely rewarding, and in the Jedi Order finally feeling like they have a place where they belong.
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Welcome to RAD
Notes: Continuation of my OC/Self Insert. Part one is here, part two is here. Should I make a master list?
This turned out longer than I had hopped. I forgot how much of the intro was just Lucifer talking your ear off.
That night Satan was summoned as per his request. He noted how she was getting better at summoning him by herself, without him willing himself to be summoned. He was greeted with the familiar sight of the small brunette, though less anxious as she was when they first met. “So, what’s up?” Before he was able to speak the loud sound echoed through the house that sounded like a door opening. He watched the blood drain from her face as she quickly pushed him over to the closet. “Hide now, please don’t make a sound.” Even as a whisper the blond demon felt the pact seal his mouth shut and his body let him be pushed into the closet at the command.
He felt his temper flare up as he wanted to demand what was going on, but his angry thoughts were interrupted by a loud banging of knocks that he could hear from the closet. “Why are you still awake?!” Satan could tell the voice was male, most likely her father.
“I’m just changing, I’m heading to bed now.” Satan looked at the clock on his D.D.D. It was only just after 9 at night, he didn’t understand why a seventeen year old was being told to go to bed so early. She sounded frightened, and Satan started to understand why she hid him.
He heard some more yelling but Satan had already heard enough to understand the situation. His anger was no longer directed at Allie, but the man that was in the process of stomping out of the old house. A good few minutes after he had left, after the brunette was sure her father was gone, he was let out of the closet. “Sorry about that.” He observed how she was still shaking slightly as he felt the hold of her pact order fall from him.
She got out of his way and sat on her bed as he made his way out of the hiding place he was shoved into. “It’s fine, just don’t do that again.”
“Sorry, but if dad had seen you…” She trailed off, thinking he was talking about being shoved into the closet.
“Not that, don’t use your pact on me again.” Satan thought she had found out about how to use her hold on their pact on her own. There was no way she unintentionally used it.
Though her confused look said otherwise. “Used my pact? What do you mean?”
There was no reason for Satan to believe she was lying, plus it wasn’t like he knew everything about pacts. “I didn’t mention this when we first made the pact, and I’ve avoided mentioning it but, as the pact holder you are able to use your pact with a demon to command them. When a command is issued with the pact the demon has to obey, even if they don’t want to.”
Her eyes widened at the implication. “Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t- but how did I- I didn’t mean to.” She didn’t want to force him to do anything, she just really wanted didn’t want her dad to see him.
There was really nothing that could come from dwelling on it so Satan decided it was best to change the subject to why he was there in the first place. “Here.” He handed her the paperwork that he had been handed before he was summoned. “There is going to be an exchange program in the Devildom, and you’ve been chosen to participate.”
She took the small amount of paperwork and looked it over. “Exchange program?” The paperwork was simple stuff, asking for her name, date of birth, any allergies, medication, etc.
She skimmed over the explanation, how she would be spending a year in the Devildom, while the demon that delivered the news sat down to play with her cat. “What if I say no?” Satan didn’t even have to answer as he casually flipped to the last page and pointed at the last bit of text at the bottom. “Even if you do not fill out this paperwork you will still be summoned to the Devildom for this Student Exchange Program. Thank you for your participation.”
“Signed Diavolo, Prince of the Devildom.” Satan finished. “I don’t believe declining is an option.”
The brunette sighed and accepted her fate, but before she started on the paperwork another worry popped in her head. “How am I going to explain this….” She had just finished senior year not too long ago and her dad was expecting her to get a job, and she doubted her dad would be okay with this. “And I don’t really want to leave Kira alone, my dad hates cats…”
The demon could see why she would worry about those things. Between the scene he heard and the new information of her dad’s opinion of cats, Satan was starting to think her dad might be as bad as Lucifer. “You can put Kira as your familiar, then you can most likely take her with you. As for how to explain all of this, I believe there is some sort of plan, I don’t know if it’ll be an effective plan but I assume they have some sort of plan.”
Most of the night was filled with Satan helping her fill out her paperwork and trying to keep her from panicking. “A week?! I seriously only have a week to prepare for a whole year?! In Hell!”
She was pacing now. Normally Satan would have lost his temper by now, but he was surprisingly calm. His main concern was calming her down right now. “You only need to bring any immediate essentials or things you can’t replace. You’ll be given an allowance to buy other things you’ll need while you’re there.” Most of this was explained in the paperwork, but Satan figured hearing it voiced might reach her panicked state a bit better. He stood up and stopped her from pacing. “Do you want me to help you pack? That way you don’t have to worry about it all week.” The blond felt an unfamiliar emotion bubble in him when the human face planted into his shoulder and nodded. He felt the urge to hold her there, but he didn’t know why. He felt her worry and exhaustion as she fiddled with her pact mark. He had yet to tell her he could feel her when she touched his mark on her thigh, but some part of him didn’t want to for fear of her to stop.
It was almost dawn when the pair was done. She had a Coca-Cola duffle bag filled with some clothes and some essentials. She also had a backpack with a few books, CDs, her laptop, and headphones. Kira’s carrying case was also packed with the kittens favorite toys and a few snacks, though most of her kitten's stuff couldn’t be packed till right before it was time to leave. Satan layed down on the girl's bed. “I’m going to sleep here now.” He was tired, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to get much, if any, sleep before class started.
He wasn’t serious though because the human that occupied the room reacted the way he expected. “Oh no you aren’t. Come on, get up.” He actually let himself laugh a little as she grabbed his hand and tugged on his arm till he stood up. “Thank you for helping me, but I gotta send you home now.”
She sent him back to the Devildom, where he got lectured for being out all night. He couldn’t care though, the blond felt almost… excited to have the small brunette in there, where he could see her every day. All he had to do was wait one week, the entire week he had been texting her and keeping her updated as he found out information on her stay. In that one week he found that she would be staying in The House of Lamentation, like the third exchange student, that Satan was going to be in charge of taking care of her, and that, with the information she gave about ways to keep her calm, she was going to be in Levi’s room until her room was finished. Satan didn’t know how he felt about that one. It made sense though, he knew she had a love for the ocean and the water was calming for her, plus it was only temporary. They only had one guest room ready, so they needed to clear out another one for Allie.
The week passed and after the three angels came Asmo with his pact holder Solomon, then it was Satan’s turn to go get Allie. He sent her a text telling her it was time and he was summoned. It was one of the first times he had been summoned during the day. The white floral wallpaper seemed almost two bright under the light from her windows. Allie stood there, clearly nervous, with her backpack, duffle bag, and cat carrier. This was also the first time she summoned him when she wasn’t in pajamas. She wore a simple blue tee shirt with a butterfly print on it and baggy jeans. “You ready?” She seemed too nervous to speak, but her kitten meowed to let everyone know she wanted out of her carrier. “Hey, I’ll be right there with you.” He held out his hand and had an actual smile as she took it.
“Is that your school uniform?” Satan realized this was the first time she had seen him in his uniform, today was a day of a lot of firsts.
“Yes, you’ll be wearing something similar at RAD.” With a flash of light the timid human found herself in the student council room of RAD in the Devildom.
She was startled at first by the cheerful voice of the demon prince himself. “Hello, and welcome to the Devildom Allie.” She assumed he was Lord Diavolo, since he was the only one in a different colored uniform. His red uniform matched his hair, but everyone else was in black. “I’m sure you know why you’re here.” The small girl nodded, still holding Satan’s hand. Diavolo was intimidating, to say the least. “Well, I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Diavolo, I am the ruler of all demons. This is the Royal Academy of Diavolo, though we only call it RAD. Right now you’re standing in the assembly hall, where we officers of the student council Gould our meetings. I am the president of said student council.” The demon prince paused, though the human still didn’t seem too keen on speaking. “This is Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride.” He gestured over to a man with black hair with grey tips and red eyes. “He is also the Vice President of the student council and my right hand man.”
Allie had remembered hearing a few stories about Lucifer from Satan, the older demon seemed to be the cause of most of the blond haired demon's anger. Lucifer smiled at her, but it seemed more like a just a polite smile rather than a genuine one. “Speaking on behalf of the entire student body at this great and storied school of ours, I offer you a most heartfelt welcome, Allie.”
Said human was able to mutter out a small, “H-Hi.” With an awkward hand wave. To say she felt out of place and in over her head was an understatement.
The Avatar of Pride continued despite the awkward greeting. “Diavolo believes that we demons should start strengthening our relationships with both the human world and the Celestial Realm. As a first step toward this goal, we’ve decided to institute an exchange program.” Allie remembered some of this information in the paperwork she did a week beforehand, but having it spoke aloud helped her understand it better. “We have sent three of our students to the human world and three to the Celestial Realm, and we are welcoming six students to our school: three from your world and three from the Celestial Realm.” It was nice for Allie to know that she wasn’t the only human going to be here, even if it was only two others. “Since you already have a pact with Satan, you have been chosen as one of the humans to participate in this program of ours. Your period of stay is one year. You will have to work on tasks that you will receive from RAD. After one year, you will write a paper about your exchange here in the Devildom.” The human timidly raised her hand. “Yes, what is it?”
She almost resembled a frightened kitten as she spoke. “Um… what kind of tasks?”
“It’s similar to school work in your world, and speaking of such, here is your D.D.D.” The raven haired demon handed her a red smartphone. “Your cellphone from your world won’t work here, so this will be your new phone for as long as you’re here.”
The brunette let out a polite, “Thank you.” as she was handed the phone.
“You already know Satan, the fourth oldest, he will be the one mainly helping you through your year here.” Lucifer continued.
Before anything more could be said Diavolo stepped in again with his cheerful smile. “But Satan won’t be the only one helping you, why don’t you introduce your other brothers Lucifer?”
The demon in question sighed, he didn’t seem to actually want to do that. “Very well, I suppose I better have to. Mammon isn’t here at the present but I’m sure you will meet him soon enough.”
“You’d be better off if you didn’t though.” The purple haired man that seemed to be playing on his phone the entire time.
Lucifer looked unfazed by the interruption. “That’s Leviathan, though we mostly refer to him as Levi, he’s the third oldest and the Avatar of Envy.”
Levi looked up from his phone for the first time. “I’m a ‘that’? Oh I get it, it’s cause I’m just a yucky Otaku, huh. So not fair.” He seemed to sulk lower into his chair and went back to his phone.
Allie perked up a bit at the word Otaku. She hoped that meant the same thing here as it did in her world, if anime existed in the Devildom it would make staying a whole lot easier for her. Lucifer continued, ignoring his pouting younger brother. “And this is Beelzebub, the sixth oldest.”
The redheaded man he referred to looked grumpy to say the least. “I’m hungry, can I eat yet?”
That reminded Allie of something she had, and she was ever the one to try and be helpful. “Um… I have some chips if you want…”
the tall redhead perked up at that. “Really?” He got up and made his way over to the much smaller human as she nodded and put down her cat carrier and duffle bag to reveal a bag of Sour Cream and Onion chips from her backpack and handed them to the demon. “I like this human.” Said human smiled a bit at the words and the smile that her chips brought to Beelzebub. “You can call me Beel.”
Satan waited till Beel walked back to his seat to ask, “Why did you have chips?”
Allie just looked at his face, not his eyes still he noted, and replied, “My dad doesn’t like Sour Cream and Onion, but I do. I didn’t want to leave them and have them go bad.” It seemed like the most obvious thing to her, but then again Satan had already come to terms that this human was odd.
Once Beel was back in his seat Lucifer opened his mouth to speak but he was cut off by the sound of the door opening. “I’m back~” A blond man walked through the doors and over to them in a way that reminded Allie of Angel from Rent. “Solomon is all set in Purgatory Hall.” His eyes fell on Allie. “Aw~ is this Satan’s pact holder? She’s so tiny and cute! Well... not as cute as me but still.”
Allie could hear the Avatar of Pride huff with exhaustion. “This is Asmodeus, he is the fifth oldest and the Avatar of Lust. Asmodeus, this is Allie, our second exchange student from the human world.”
“That’s me, but you can call me Asmo.” The Avatar of Lust walked over to the human that had only just let go of Satan’s hand. She kinda regretted letting go because she could feel her anxiety rising as Asmo approached her. “Dear, I appreciate your fondness of my shoes but my eyes are up here.” She was able to timidly look up to the man’s chest. “Further.” Slowly her gaze rose but right as she was about to look into his eyes… she blinked and looked at his hair. “Okay, rude, Satan did you already warn her about my gaze?”
Satan himself wanted to laugh. “No, I didn’t have to. She doesn’t look anyone in the eye, it probably has to do with her anxiety. Though I probably should warn you Allie, Asmodeus’ gaze can charm people and he can use that to manipulate you.”
Lucifer seemed to have enough of the interruption. “Sit down Asmodeus.” He waited for his younger brother to make his way to his seat before continuing. “There are Seven of us brothers in all, but not all of us are here. I am the oldest.”
Diavolo took it from there. “During your stay in the Devildom, the brothers will be here to help you along the way. You’ll also be staying in the House of Lamentation with them for your protection.”
The human nodded, she understood that this was the demon realm and that she couldn’t survive on her own, she was grateful they would let her stay with them. “Well, now that that’s done.” The eldest stood up from his own seat. “Satan and I will be showing you the way to the house, we have a few more things to discuss before we welcome our third exchange student. Levi, you come too.”
The purple haired boy looked surprised. “Eh! Why me?!”
Allie grabbed her bags as Satan led her to the door. Lucifer apparently wasn’t too keen on waiting on Levi. “I will explain at the house. Come or I will force you.” That got the other demon out of his chair. Allie held onto the back of Satan’s jacket, a habit of hers when she was nervous. She had no idea how she was going to survive this year.
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ddaenghoney · 5 years ago
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chapter six
masterlist link in blog description.
As a successful songwriter, you want nothing more than the acknowledgment that the chart-topping musical pieces are your own creations. But contracts, relationships, and the difficulty of facing the stakes involved head on, keep your mouth shut until pressure builds too much.
Pairing(s): Park Jimin x Y/N, Min Yoongi x Y/N
disclaimer: any characters depicted do not represent the actual personality of the respected idol in real life.
Series warning(s)/genre(s): Chapter-based written fic, Slow-burn relationship(s), Fake-dating, Unrequited love, Songwriter/producer!oc, idol!Jimin, idol/songwriter/producer!Yoongi, friends with benefits, drama, romance, smut, angst, fluff (updated as needed)
Chapter warning(s): none, just finally able to introduce Hoseok in this chapter lol
Word count: 5299
if you enjoy please, please let me know!
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Yoongi’s eyes scan the weekly announcement email, not truly interested, yet still giving himself time to be thoroughly knowledgeable of upcoming events for his newfound colleagues and the company as a whole. Mentions of renovation in the lobby, a new coffee machine to be installed on the production floor along with a request to be more mindful of how this one is used, and the schedule for the practice rooms for the month remains unchanged for the last few weeks of January. Highlighted at the top of the email is the name of a mini album set to be released the first week in February along with parentheses beside it stating who would be releasing it: Park Jimin.
Reclining back in his seat, Yoongi regards the blue font notice in silence, wondering for a passing time of his involvement in the corruption between Jimin and you. He knows it’s not his fault, and knows you do too. Yet, there’s still guilt seeing Jimin’s name or hearing it anywhere. Still guilt felt in grazing his thumb against his index finger as a fidget when on the four dates so far where you’re forced in one way or another to recall Jimin’s existence. Yoongi has not apologized about it since the first date, but it doesn’t change that he feels like he should if only to assure you that the hurt you try and hide each time doesn’t need to be hidden for the atmosphere’s sake.
The foot on the floor pushes his desk seat into a small back and forth sway. He doesn’t think of your mutual problems often, just reminded every time an email requests the two of you go on a date, like the one to come that evening. By this point you’re both amicable at least, even going on the limb of saying something like friends. Maybe. It’s hard not to when you’re both forced into two or more hours of conversation. It’s something like friendship. Maybe closer to friendly coworkers. He doesn’t know. Yoongi sighs, spinning an entire slow revolution in his chair, then stopping promptly with the sound of his phone’s text notification.
Two unread.
Y/N, 4:38pm: Just got asked to go to a last second meeting. Probably will be out closer to 6:30 instead of 6:00, sorry.
Yoongi, 4:39pm: That’s fine no worries.
He exits the message thread to check on the other notification. He stares at Hoseok’s name for a second and the few words he’s able to see before opening the chat. Yoongi inhales, rubbing his jaw, while clicking it open with his free hand.
Hoseok, 3:57pm: I think enough time has passed... I’m going to start going for a new comeback now! You’re required to pre-order whenever the album is done!
Yoongi, 4:42pm: Ah, is that a fact?
Yoongi’s hand falls from his jaw to type quicker,
Yoongi, 4:43pm: I’ll help you make it however you need.
Hoseok, 4:45pm: Thanks, man.
Hoseok, 4:48pm: I’m nervous still haha
The phone rests on the desk, Yoongi’s hand resting beside it while he looks at the screen. He tilts his neck as a stretch, thoughtfully. Uncertain of how this would turn out for Hoseok. Wishing for the best. Trying to be hopeful. The dissention of early last year comes back into Yoongi’s mind. The unfair treatment, and watching his best friend go through the invasive camera lights daily, and the pouring stream of interrogative comments throughout social media. The blame that had no place linking to Hoseok when their old company decided to sell out to SoundWave as Hoseok’s contract was torn to pieces.
Yoongi, 4:56pm: You deserve the new beginning if anyone does. It’ll work out.
Hoseok, 5:00pm: Bro…
Yoongi, 5:00pm: You ruined it.
Hoseok, 5:01pm: Haha, I know……… Thanks Yoongi.
The final two words feel somber in Yoongi’s mouth. Drying. He doesn’t deserve to be thanked for anything, when he was quiet watching what happened. He could’ve done something to stop it all. Maybe Hoseok would have a studio next door to Yoongi’s still if more had been done to help. To disprove the wrong perspectives in the public. But it’s not in his persona to care like that.
He sighs, pressing the lock on his device. Index finger taps on the space below his keyboard, the desktop monitor powering off onto the screensaver. Yoongi feels like he should scoff at himself in judgement. How was he ever appalled by your lie when he’s no different.
You contemplate sending Namjoon a text, but acknowledge the busy time of the day for him and refrain. Instead you wallow in the quiet, staring at your notes while listening to the arranger and producers beside you editing your song by means of scribbling pencils. You hope they ask you something greater than questioning an affirmative of their ideas for changing the words on the track. Apparently the theme is appropriate, but the verbiage itself doesn’t fit the fast beat pace the producer intends to make this track into.
Jimin is across from you, equally to himself. He scrolls through his phone, appearing collected. He said hello to you sweetly, politely when he walked in with the producer. You didn’t realize he would be joining the impromptu meeting. It was just the producer that had texted you about it, mentioning the arranger also tagging along. Not Jimin. You knew he was using this song, but you didn’t think he needs to be here.
“Jimin, your choreographer is going to thank me for this one. I already know it.” The producer is happy, and granted you’re not entirely angry at the changes he makes on the paper. They’re minor, the meaning is still there. Your touch deteriorates only slightly, and it’s something that’s involved commonly throughout song conception processes. You don’t care about that, you really don’t. Maybe you’re even spitefully happy about the changes too, because it means less you, less for you to be bothered by in the credential section. Less you in lyrics Jimin sings.
“You’re only doing the touch-ups though.” Jimin voice is light-hearted, his playing smile small, yet meaningful. You keep your eyes towards the producer’s writing hand. Bite your lip when the message is properly conveyed to him by notice of his reply,
“You’re right, Y/N’s work is great, like usual.” He agrees sincerely, giving you a thumbs-up with his left hand. You smile softly, just managing a head nod. “Sorry about the random meeting too, by the way. I would’ve waited until tomorrow if we didn’t have to redo the recording for the album he’s going to be releasing.”
“It’s not a big deal. I was here anyways.” You tell him calmly, catching sight of Jimin when you adjust in your chair. He’s gentle in appearance like usual, watching you only because you were speaking. When the sentence ends you see the twitch of an upward smile that he smothers and instead goes back to his phone.
“You’re here more now that the whole fake dating thing is happening, huh?” The arranger’s comment is absent of ill-intent, you realize as he rubs his neck in a stupor as he goes on, “I can’t imagine how weird that has to be. SUGA’s new to the company too; must feel random to be matched up with him, right?”
“Yeah,” You say vaguely, hands in your lap messing around with one another as you hope for a new topic. “Yoongi’s been nice about it all though.” You blab softly, unable to see Jimin’s thumbs unmoving as he no longer pays attention to his phone screen despite his eyes pointing to it.
“He’s cool, I’ve done a couple of things to help him with his production lately.” The man beside you nods as he speaks, settling the pen beside the papers. “Really particular about his stuff, but because he does practically all of it himself, it makes sense.”
“Can I see the revised version?” You interject calmly, receiving the notes from him as he immediately nods, handing it off. You scan through the tiny adjustments, thinking on your own of what potential ideas they had to change the pace of the song.
“None of it’s too crazy, I don’t think, but if anything’s too much let me know.”
“No, it’s all okay with me.” You don’t mind the scribbles, but have even less desire to combat things lately since the meeting with Yerin.
“Can I take a look?” Jimin’s voice calls out to you, and you face him. Small nod as you reach the small distance to slide the papers towards him, then startle as the producer stands up beside you,
“Crap, I need to get to a session downstairs right now. Just get that to my studio when you’re done, Jimin.” He says and you watch using every muscle to refrain wonder at why the arranger also stood too. You instead mentally curse at him saying he’d tag along since he was done for the day as well. You curse again at the sound of the door, glaring at the sight at that point.
“I’ll give it to him like he asked.” Jimin breaks the silence, eyes trailing still at the page of lyrics. You look towards him, erect in your seat but unwilling to stand yet. You recall leaving before he woke up the last night you were with him, and the incredible drought of communication since then. But is it really this easy for him to be casual. Your eyes wait to meet his when he finally lifts them up from the sheet.
“I liked the pink hair.” You murmur as a comment, trying to fill the void of quiet, give yourself a reason to linger there a little longer and see the state of his thoughts towards you. “Well, the brown is nice too though.” You correct with a tiny shrug, feeling a larger pang in your chest when Jimin doesn’t stop his smile this time.
“I liked it too.” He lays the paper flat, but his fingers remain on its edge. You think of other ways to continue the conversation, and shove the thought of asking him simply how he is to the corner of your mind. You’re already staying back with him for no reason, you don’t want to seem completely tangled with missing him. “You and Yoongi...” Jimin begins, and the mere mention of you two makes you want to groan, hoping against this turning into a conversation about your precarious fake relationship when you wanted to focus on Jimin and you. “You don’t have to do anything too much, right?”
You narrow your eyes in confusion. Jimin reaches for his hair, fiddling as he goes on, concern twinging, “Like, nothing you don’t want to do, lo-”
He stops, nearly biting his tongue to do so. You notice. Your hands grip on your jeans, trying to discern if the slip was just because the term of endearment is something he’s so used to calling you, or if there is something more. You watch his index finger barely scratch at the paper on the table. Nervous.
“The whole relationship is something I don’t want to do.” Your sentence is dry, matched with your dismissive shrug. You know that isn’t what Jimin meant, but you don’t expect his head shaking and body becoming more straightened in posture,
“That’s not what I meant.” Jimin says directly, biting the inside of his cheek as he considers explaining himself further. You free him of doing that, nodding.
“I know.” He noticeably pauses, nearing a flustered expression and you almost want to smile in endearment, but you still feel more sad than anything. Confused. “Sorry,” You finally avert your gaze to the table, collecting your few items. “We’re not being forced into anything else though.” You explain while Jimin watches you move around.
Words clutter in his mouth, wondering what to say to keep you in the room, but knowing he shouldn’t. Can’t. He’s the one who ended it. He didn’t want to, but he did.
“Do you miss us?”
Jimin’s heartbeat increases, while yours secretly does as well. The question blurted from your lips in a moment of impulse that built from the second you saw him that day. Dumb, stupid; you want to take the question back, you don’t need his answer. You want it, but you shouldn’t have it in your thoughts whether it’s a yes or a no.
What difference would it make if he said yes and you returned back to how you were. He was right-- Namjoon was right, you’re own screaming logic is right: a secret untrue relationship wouldn’t last and it would only serve to hurt you in the long run. This situation that you both stand in is exactly because you made up the stupid idea in the first place. You should’ve let the first kiss be the last one. Just because you ended up falling in love, doesn’t mean Jimin did.
Jimin’s made it clear that the answer is no. Why do you want to hear him vocalize the no. Maybe a sick part of your mind wanted the words to be engraved so you can take it as a bridge burned to char. If he said no you could move on. That’s how it could work. Maybe it would actually be enough, in that off-chance-
“Of course.” Jimin’s voice whispers the words like they were heavy to push out of his lips. But you could ignore that, wrapped in the potential- “But I don’t want to get back together like we were.” He’s no longer making eye contact with you, busying his fingers further into his locks. “It hurts us both being hidden like that,” You open your mouth to interject that you could live with it, that it’s not necessarily a long-term state of being, but he speaks on, crushing you, “And I don’t want to be your actual boyfriend.”
The counterargument abandons your psyche entirely. The truth of the situation is apparent. Jimin’s made it apparent. The extent of what you were to him was just lust. His casual demeanor makes sense. Your lingering feelings are the minority, not mutually felt.
“Ah,” Your head nods even though Jimin’s not looking up at you. His statement burns more as you stand in the same room as him. “When you put it like that,” Jimin lifts his head, and you don’t know whether to register his expression as sad or not, because why would he be sad. Conflicted, likely. “It makes sense we’d stop then.” You continue to nod, stepping once towards the door, “Sorry. I got the wrong idea.”
You continue in your exit, ignoring anything he may try and do in response, because you didn’t want to be pitied on top of everything else. You let the sound of chairs clattering behind you drift into the background, and slipped out of the room without another word heard.
Yoongi’s studio is on the same floor, and easy to find in a matter of moments. You usually meet him at the lobby, but you don’t think of that as your phone’s clock reads twenty past six and you knock on the frosted glass door. After three soft pounds do you take note of the tiny doorbell that is likely more effective. The small device’s appearance makes you sigh, thinking of how idiotic you were about not seeing it, how idiotic in general.
“Y/N?” You don’t realize he’s opened the door until Yoongi’s voice disrupts your misguided thoughts. You look up towards him. Yoongi can see the straining expression to appear indifferent, but it fails completely this time just in appearance alone. “Are you okay?”
“Not really, but we have a dumb date to go on.” You huff, reaching both of your hands to rub your face. Yoongi remains quiet, already not fond of the dates when you were both in at least average moods, but seeing you like this makes him hate the idea even more.
“There’s no time schedule.” He says simply, you narrow your eyes towards him in a lack of understanding, then your shoulders relax as he steps back opening the door wider. “Want to hear some of the stuff I’ve been working on and we can go out later when we’re both starving instead?”
You think of his consideration for your temperament and feel a little bad that Yoongi feels the need to accommodate, but you step inside anyways. It isn’t like he enjoys the dating, and putting it off for a while sounds like the best option. Not to mention, dismissing his attempts at kindness wouldn’t be best either.
Besides, you can’t say you weren’t curious at the prospect of listening to what Yoongi’s been working on.
You glance around the studio, noting the organized arrangements overall, yet homely in some aspects as well. The decor is limited to a few wall posters and mostly bare shelving, but his couch area looks like it isn’t new at all. The couch in particular looks a bit worn, and cluttered with a couple of blankets and a pillow. His small coffee table has only a single empty plastic cup on it, but you figure he keeps the place tidy or else there would definitely be more evidence of his caffeine vice than currently appearing.
“If you want to use the couch you can. I have some wireless headphones,” Yoongi tells you as he goes to the highlight of the room: a desk space covering the entirety of the wall. Bright with various electronic equipment and brand names that also inhabit space in your own apartment. But here the space appears validated by its placement in the company walls.
You sit on the edge of the couch, hands resting on his lap as you continue looking around the studio. It’s definitely one of the larger ones. Yoongi hands you the pair of headphones, and you situated them over your ears while he goes on in speech. “Whoa, wait what?” You cut in quickly, causing him to look back at you while he sits in his desk chair. “These things are really noise cancelling, sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Yoongi chuckles, rubbing his hair back from his face. “I was just saying I need to decorate more, but haven’t got around to it.” He slips a pair of headphones on too, leaving one ear free. “This is going to sound really rough, and there’s a gap where I’m waiting on someone to fill with vocals.”
You nod, smiling in anticipation without realizing so. The sight makes Yoongi glance away, biting his lip in sudden worry the track won’t sound as great as you may anticipate. He clicks to start anyways, listening in his own ears and simply keeping his eyes on the screen watching the point on the timeline move along.
Behind him you sit back into the cushion, trying to take in everything in one listen, despite the different levels of the song meshing together perfectly. Yoongi’s voice sounds completed in the song already, like he’s already reached a point of contentment in the sound in your opinion. “Your lyrics are really good.” You say, head swaying with the beat, staring at the empty cup instead of seeing if he’d turn to respond to you.
Yoongi catches the comment, tapping his finger on the desk, lips tightening and forming more pliable peaks on his cheeks from holding back a proud smile. He waits until the fade out, before finally facing you once more. Angles his chair slightly towards you, not all the way, trying to appear more calm than anything despite nerves still simmering quietly in his stomach because you are the first to hear this particular demo.
“Did you hear me about your lyrics?” You ask right away, sliding the headphones to rest atop your shoulders. Yoongi nods softly, mumbling about not wanting to interrupt when you were listening to say thanks. “They really, really are good.” You say again anyways, smile growing wider as Yoongi reaches to fiddle with his hair,
“Thanks again.” His voice is still quiet, something bashful about it as well. Satisfied, you think, but you continue on anyways,
“And your voice is controlled, like usual.” You sigh, leaning back, “I can’t get over it; you’re so great at singing and rapping.” Yoongi just shrugs, but you miss it while you adjust your sleeves off of your hands. “For it being incomplete, I’d still listen to it, even without the other person you’re waiting on.” Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head,
“That’s too high of praise, you’re messing with me now.”
“I’m not.” You interject firmly, sitting upright. Yoongi looks at you silently, but breaks it by rubbing his neck and speaking sincerely,
“Well, thank you. I was kind of nervous about this one actually. It’s pretty different than other songs I’ve made.”
“Yeah, it’s really on the edge of your usual stuff, I think.” You nod in agreement, settling your hand on your chin while you ponder. “But I’m sure it’ll do well. Besides what’s a better time to try new things than now, right?”
“I wanted to make it last year, actually.” Yoongi shifts on his chair, clicking open an email notification. The title reads a clothing brand, and he shuts it as he goes on and for a moment scrolls through other emails in case he’s missed anything important. “It was busy with the merger going on though. But the beat is inspired by a friend of mine’s style.”
You let the information fall into space, interested by the mention of a musical inspiration. You scan any ideas, but ultimately feel like you don’t know enough about Yoongi at all to make any verbal assumptions so you just joke, “Jin?”
“Oh,” You watch Yoongi pause, and turn on his seat, looking at you with widened eyes, “How’d you know?”
“Wait really?” Your eyes grow wide as well as the image of Seokjin passes through your mind as a music producer-
“Hey,” Your eyes immediately narrow, paired ironically with reddening embarrassment in your face. Yoongi just scoffs, then all together laughs as you defiantly cross your arms. “Rude,” You mutter as his lips continue releasing his entirely humored melody. “He could’ve; you don’t know.”
“I don’t?” He counters, slumping back into his chair and looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
“He’s performed an entire masterpiece with chopsticks and shot glasses before, so, yeah, you don’t.” You try to refrain from releasing any of your own smiling, maintaining a serious gaze towards Yoongi as he believes none of it and nods once.
“I live to be proven wrong, I guess.” He turns to face his computer once more, rearranging the opened windows as though he intends to continue working like he had before you stopped by. At this realization your arms relax, and you think about what you should do so not to bother him, maybe grab coffee to bide the time, or mindlessly watch YouTube videos on your phone.
Yoongi interrupts the thoughts, “It might not be my place to offer, but if you ever wanted to talk--or vent about,” His head tilts as he decides against specific topics, “Anything… I’d listen.” His hand sits still on the mouse, hoping he doesn’t sound like he’s trying to overstep. Though with all the trouble you seem to have, Yoongi tries to ignore that worry, allowing the innocent concern to lead the offer along.
“I probably look like I’m always down about something, right?” Your voice trickles embarrassment and spite, sighing as you rub your hair and angle your neck towards his coffee table. Frankly, it’s tiring to continue each day dismayed by the amount of circumstances left out of your control. Quietly having to accept so much that no one else seems to have to bother with, especially where songwriting is concerned.
“Not always, no.” Yoongi responds, eyes on the monitor though he’s looking at nothing. Contemplative of phrasing. “But a lot has happened the past month, and not much of it is good for you. I may not be your closest friend, but I think anyone seeing you pretend to be okay this often would wonder if you want to talk.”
You stare at the glossy wood, thinking of the interaction between you and Jimin not long ago. Being the first time you had spoken to him, you hoped it would’ve been better, maybe even telling for what the future could hold, but that was all wishful thinking in the end. He still left. Still keeps an arm’s distance. “I just,” You pause feeling the air in your throat that you hadn’t expected to cloud your sentence. You swallow it down and bite your lip, noticing Yoongi’s movement in your peripherals as he faces you slightly. Likely checking. Your voice probably sounded ridiculous.
“It’s okay to not speak too. Whenever you’re ready.”
The sentiment feels as comforting as the way Yoongi’s voice says the words. Absent of condescension, wholly gentle and patient. Putting his ideas of what he thought of you when you met and he found out about your job aside, to simply focus on your troubles. Understanding when he really didn’t have to be. Even if you both were amicable, and freshly titled friends like he said; it’s not like Yoongi needed to offer a metaphorical shoulder, or a penny for your thoughts without an expiration date. The action gives you a tug forward.
“Jimin was at the meeting and I didn’t think he’d be there.” You finally murmur, trying to avoid eye contact as though the words itching to leave your mouth would hide if you did. “I didn’t want to break up with him--or,” You sigh, rubbing your hair as your head shakes, “We weren’t a couple, I can’t really call it a break up, huh?” You rhetorically question feelings silly for being wrapped up in this relationship when it wasn’t a proper one to begin with. “I just didn’t want it to end.” The words fade, spacing even more as you ponder sadly, “And seeing him doing well-- even though he said he misses us, it just makes me feel like I’m the only one unable to push forward.”
In the very least, Jimin’s more in control of himself than you’re showing to be. Strongly believing this is the best way to handle the problems that existed in the relationship and unmoving about it. If you think about it like that, then maybe it would be better to try and adhere to this idea, even with your feelings for him. If they aren’t reciprocated feelings, there really is no worth in you continuously falling deeper and deeper. It was always bound to hurt, you just wish it could have happened later; like you would whenever the separation inevitably happened.
“Whether it takes you longer than him or not to work through this isn’t a problem. I think you should let yourself take as long as you need.” Yoongi gazes without focus at an empty shelf he plans to display albums of artists he’s collaborated with. Considering the closeness you and Jimin evidently had, it’s completely acceptable that you would be saddened by it all, and for all Yoongi knows the relationship could’ve had knots and twists that he’d never guessed that would garner the need for you to take months to heal. “Also,” He starts, though he considers not saying anything at all in case it may be a statement he doesn’t have the right to speak to, but recalling all of the instances thus far that he’s been unable to help you at all, he lets himself finish, “I don’t think you should shove all of it down either… I bet that feels suffocating.”
You bite your lip, almost embarrassed that he’s noticed how upset you’ve been despite having known you only a couple of months. You thought you have done well so far to at least appear normal, but with Yoongi spending hours of random days solely with you, it’s plausible he has simply caught on. Somehow the fact alone didn’t feel bad. In the same way that you had Namjoon to turn to because he knows everything that’s going on, it feels comforting that Yoongi is there as well. At least in his accepting way, whether it’s deeper than that, you don’t know and lean towards doubt if only because you’re both not on close terms.
“So I should just cry in the middle of our dates?” You try at a joke, but the smile you give him is appreciative of his advice. Yoongi glances to you, chair still angled to the wall. He hears the slightly joking tone and shrugs to it,
“If you do it gives us an excuse to go home.” You giggle at the fact and don’t mention that Yerin would likely end up irritated by you both appearing like a mess in public.
“I’ll cry one week, and you cry the next then.” You tease, scooting further into his couch and realizing that its incredible plushness is why it’s worn and Yoongi’s likely kept it since his last company. He laughs at the idea, nodding his head, relaxing himself now that you seem a little better, or at least, he hopes, less inclined to force yourself to act happy. “Thanks, for letting me talk a little, by the way.” A quieter, sincere tone. Before he’s able to respond you continue, “It means a lot to me that you wanted to help. I know I’m kind of, I guess, distant with my feelings, but it’s nice to feel like I don’t have to hide it all with someone around the company. I won’t bother you with myself though, don’t worry.”
“I’m not worried about that.” Yoongi discerns the idea you may feel annoying and softly diverts the thought away. “Besides sometimes it’s okay to be selfish and rant anyways. You’re just trying to help yourself.” He glances to his computer as you only respond with a nod, perhaps not entirely believing his words, but that could be a building process. “Hey, actually, while we’re here, and since you’re a producer,” You lift your head up, immediately curious as he mentions the title. “You want to help me play around with this song idea I’ve been messing with for the past week?”
“Wait, really?” You practically beam the words like sunlight, refraining from a flustered smile at the idea, but Yoongi can tell by how you sit up that you’re more than willing.
“Yeah, I’m not really getting anywhere with it, and since I know you’re the one who wrote practically all of the songs I liked from this company, of course I’d want to work with you.” The growing smile on your face almost makes Yoongi feel embarrassed as well that you found the request so appealing. He briefly chuckles as you start to nod, and he smiles brightly asking in bewilderment,
“Is it that exciting? It’s just me who’s offering, anyways.”
“Says the guy who’s made so much music that I love.” Yoongi bites his lip, smile not hiding at the joy. Emulating your sudden upbeat demeanor, simply because it felt infectious, Yoongi gestures to his computer,
“Well then since we both love each other’s stuff, let’s make it the collaboration of the year.” A light-hearted joke, but you and Yoongi mutually think it’s suddenly an exciting idea to work with one another on a song. So you’re up to your feet in seconds, taking the few steps towards his work area as he clicks around the screen,
“Wait, you don’t expect me to stand and help do you?”
“Oh, right, I’ll get a chair.”
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if you enjoy please, please let me know! i hope you enjoy the series, i’m working really hard on it! : )
tag list (send an ask to be added): @jaiuneamesolitaiire​​ @tsvkino-usagi​​​
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akaashisupremacy · 4 years ago
Spring Showers
Summary: What’s it like to be in a relationship with Kei Tsukishima, who is now in college? 
Genre and pairing: Tsukki x fem!reader/Oc , FLUFF, Slice of life??
Notes: Kaori Miyahara is an original character, but readers are free to put themselves into her shoes! 
Read the other instalments Chap.1 (Ao3) || Chap. 2 (AO3) || Chap. 3 (A03) || Chap. 4 (A03) || Chap. 5 (A03) || Chap. 6|| 
6:00 PM || Amemaru Junior High || Miyagi Prefecture
“Tsukki…are you alright? You look upset.” said Yamaguchi, “You’ve been pissed all day.”
Practice had just ended when Yamaguchi finally broached him on his sour mood.
“It’s been a long week,” Tsukishima muttered distractedly.
Yamaguchi was not convinced. He had been best friends with Tsukki since before Junior High. Something was definitely bothering him. They left their school gym to begin walking home.
Halfway through their route, Tsukki finally opened up.
“I overheard one of our classmates was going to ask for Kaori’s number during graduation next month.” His lips were pursed into a tense line.
Kaori Miyahara was Tsukki’s next door neighbor, who moved to the prefecture at the start of Junior High. She competed as a gymnast. He walked to school with her every morning and she was his only other friend really. Tsukki found her bothersome at first but lately he was slowly growing attracted to her.
Yamaguchi resisted the urge to chuckle. Despite Tsukki’s intimidating stature, he was a jealous softy at heart.  
“Doesn’t mean Kaori will actually give him her number.” shrugged Yamaguchi. As their third year in Junior High was coming to a close, Yamaguchi had gotten better at consoling Tsukki’s anxieties about her.
“But what if she does?” Tsukki persisted.
Yamaguchi stopped at his tracks and crossed his arms, “Then maybe you should make a move.”
Tsukki shook his head, “She doesn’t like me that way. I would know if she did. Besides, she told me that she didn’t want a boyfriend. Gymnasts that get boyfriends either quit gymnastics or leave their boyfriends. I don’t want her to quit on me or her sport.”
“Then you have nothing to worry about. If she’s not interested at all, even if she gives him her number, nothing will happen.”
They continued walking. He caught a hint of Tsukki’s smile creeping on the edge of his lips.
“I guess you’re right.” he said.
They reached the intersections that separated their homes. Right across the street was Kaori, on her way home from her gym.
“See you next week,” bade Yamaguchi with a knowing smile. Tsukki shot him a glare. Kaori walked by his side, her hair was out of her usual braid. They rarely walked home together. Tsukki tried to keep his nerves down.
“Are you nervous for your competition tomorrow?” he asked casually.
“Little bit,” she mumbled, “I just want to pace myself. My back is taped up again.” She pulled down a bit of her neckline to show him the athletic tape that snaked until her shoulders. They walked in silence.
Kaori nudged him with her hip, “You’ll come see me tomorrow right?”
“Tch, I told you we’ll be visiting my brother at the city tomorrow…” he trailed. Kaori could not hide her disappointment. He hated to see her dejected, “But it’s only for lunch. We should be done by early afternoon, I’ll go to the Sendai City Gymnasium when we’re done.”
She perked up and smiled. He smiled back. He could never help himself with her.
Tsukki secretly loved it when she handed him competition tickets. It made him feel special because she didn’t give them out to just anyone. He used to keep her tickets in his wallet but later transferred them to an old cookie tin on his desk when his wallet became too tight.
It doesn’t take too much to make him cheer him up. Tickets and her smile were enough.
5:00 PM || Sendai University Gym || Second Year in University, Last Semester
Kei Tsukishima beelined for the gymnasium of the rhythmic gymnastics team. He had just come from his own game with the Sendai frogs, which meant he’d missed Kaori’s last competition of the season. Instead he received updates through Yamaguchi and the inter-collegiate score page. Yachi occasionally chimed in on their group chat.
Kaori’s team placed fourth, just one slot away from qualifying into the National Collegiate Championships. Even though she held the high score for two events, her accumulated team score fell short. As his concession, he promised to pick her up from the gym with flowers in hand.
Just as he got to the corner before the gym, he stopped, sat and waited for her from there. He texted her that he was at their meeting spot. She came for him five minutes later, looking quietly dejected.
“You’re scarily quiet,” he commented.
“I’m just so pissed.” she grunted.
Tsukki awkwardly handed her the flowers. She grudgingly accepted, looking a little scorned by the consolation bouquet. He could feel her fuming inside her head.
He gently nudged her by the waist, accidentally using more force than he realized. She instinctively shoved him back crossly.  
“Hey, I’m sorry,” he said, stumbling. He tried to hide his smirk. It was rare to see her so upset.
“Tsukki stop smiling, I can see you from the corner of my eye.” she huffed.
“It’s funny to see short people pissed off,” he chuckled. She glared at him. He slung an arm around her waist and pulled her closer.
The university campus was empty today. They could stand a little closer without people talking.
When her head eventually began to cool, Kaori spoke up.
“When I competed in elite, I used to hate being yelled at. I hated it when my coach pulled my hair. I hated being weighed everyday. But I thought it would all be worth it as long as I reached my goal. Why did I endure all that suffering when I’m going to fail? What was the point?” she mumbled.
The sky had grown dark and they were walking under street lights. The campus was eerily silent except for the shuffling of their footsteps.  
“Maybe the point was you shouldn’t have endured all that.” he replied.
“I know…it’s days like this when I want to quit. Sometimes it’s so difficult to love this sport when you are put through a mill and you don’t even get your results.” she swallowed with a lump in her throat.
Before her last ribbon routine, Kaori was under immense pressure. One of her teammates had made a costly mistake and she herself had a slight error on clubs. Kaori had the highest scoring potential among her team mates. They could still realistically finish within the top 3, but it was an outside shot and Kaori had to have a lights out performance.
About an hour before her last routine, she called her friends for moral support.
“You’re nervous you just gotta let it out,” Yachi advised through the phone.
“For us to even have an outside shot, I need a record score. Sheeshh!” exclaimed Kaori.
She could hear the two of them breathe at her on Yachi’s speaker.
“Well, I mean you shouldn’t give up just yet…” started Yamaguchi, “But don’t be afraid to embrace that this might be your last competition of the year too.”
“Yamaguchi, I can only choose one.” she said flatly.
“I meant ahh…how do I explain this…” he stammered.  
Yamaguchi breathed out and gathered his thought, “This could realistically be your last competition, right? How do you want your last event to go? You have nothing to lose.”
Kaori could still not make it to nationals whether she did well or not. Still she was set to try her best.
“Realistically, Kao-chan” piped in Yachi, “You can do it.
Kaori remembered ending her routine. The gymnasium entirely silent. As she stood to catch her breath, the applause came.
“Was that enough to get us the score we need?” she thought. Her mind was so caught up on the score that she couldn’t even properly enjoy the moment.
Tsukki nudged her back into reality.
“I heard you had a really good last routine though.”
“I did,” she perked up, “You should’ve seen me. There were people crying.”
“I wish I did, but that’s kind of the drawback of dating another athlete.” he sighed, “When we were in Junior High, I thought that you should date me because I totally understood your schedule. I wouldn’t be the type of guy to demand time that you didn’t have only to realize we can’t always be at each other’s competitions.”
“Big talk for someone who couldn’t even own up to me back then,” she snorted. Tsukki was flustered.
Kaori remembered something. She pulled out an unused ticket from her bag and handed them to him. He took it and carefully placed it in his wallet.
“I don’t understand why you’d keep my old tickets.” she shook her head.
They were now heading to her apartment so that she could get changed before dinner.
“I just like collecting them,” he shrugged innocently.
“Makes me feel special.” he thought.
4:00 PM || Kaori’s apartment || Second Year in University, Last Semester
“Looks like we’ll just have to stay in today.”
Kaori peered at Tsukki as her lids became heavy with sleep. She could hear the steady trickle of the rain outside of her window.
“What a waste of a beautiful spring afternoon,” she thought. They were supposed to go to a nearby park with some friends, but plans were cancelled because of the weather. She liked the days when they could go outside, but Tsukki probably liked it better when they stayed indoors.
She yawned before lying on her stomach. With her last bit of will, she laced her fingers into his before the lull of sleep overtook her.
The weather was turning warm.The rain had cooled the city again. Tsukki watched as Kaori wafted into her nap. Their seasons had just ended and they were both completely exhausted. Until they recover, this was probably the best way to spend their time: napping.
Kaori would have preferred to be out and about, but he wanted to take a break and catch up on their academics. He wasn’t necessarily behind; he just wasn’t as on time as he would like.
Tsukki pulled out his homework and yellow highlighter from his bag. He popped the lid off with his teeth and began highlighting with just his right hand.
The past year had been a whirlwind. This time last year, he was relearning how to be around Kaori - her quirks, habits, and temperament. Despite having known her for so long, he found that he had to learn many more things to keep up with their changing relationship - how to ask for help, how to be vulnerable, how to make love. Now he was learning how to read with only one hand.
Kaori liked to sleep holding his hand. He was hesitant to pull away and wake her. One year ago, he would spat at how silly the situation was and just pulled his hand away. Now, the gesture was a way for them to make the most out of their scarce weekends and so he let it be.
The smell of wet pavement and plants filled his nose. When they were younger, the thought of touching her skin overwhelmed him. In their first year in High School, Kaori had asked him to teach him how to fold her sleeves.
“You know how to fold sleeves. Why do you need my help?” he had pretended to scoff.
“I don’t know how to do it with the ends poking out. You know…the way the cool seniors do it.”
Truthfully, he knew what she meant. He was doing what he could to put it off because it meant having his fingertips brush her arm. She stuck her blazer off and shoved her arm to him.
Sighing as if it was the largest chore in the world, he unbuttoned the end of her sleeves and began neatly folding her right sleeve. As soon as his finger touch the heat of her arm, he jerked back.
“God! You're so warm, do you have a fever?” Deep down however, Tsukki was overwhelmingly ready to combust. He didn’t know if he could finish the task.
“No, that’s just the blazer,” she brushed him aside. Seeing as her arm was still up. He quickly set to work, tugging the ends of her sleeves to finish.
“There,” he said, desperately hoping he wasn’t blushing. Kaori replicated his folds on her other sleeve, proudly showing him her new found skill.
“Now, I’m a proper High School student.” she beamed.
By the time they met again at the end of their first year, Tsukki had gained more tolerance for touch. He was secretly proud that his palms didn’t get too sweaty the first time they held hands. A year in, he still occasionally got nervous. Old habits die hard.
When dinner started to approach, Kaori dragged herself from her bed and yawned. Tsukki instinctively put his things away and began clearing the sink. She pulled out some vegetables from the fridge and began chopping them up for their dinner. Two pots appeared on the stove top. One for soup and another for their main course.
“What are we having tonight?” he murmured, trying not to cry as he diced some onions.
“I have some curry cubes I’ve been meaning to use up,” she thought out loud.
Tsukki nodded and wiped away his tears, “Well, I hope this is enough onion because this is as far as I can go.” The sting was so bad he had to take his glasses off.
Kaori laughed and tenderly wiped away his tears with her fingers, her palms resting on his cheek. Touch was almost second nature to her, especially next to him.
“You look so handsome without your glasses,” she cooed.  
“Yeah, but I can’t see without them so I’ll stick to being mediocre.” he smirked, slipping his glasses back on and pushing his hair away from his eyes.
“Well I do rather you be able to see me,” she smiled.
The pot of boiling water was hissed, ready to boil over. Kaori had forgotten to watch it. For a brief moment she panicked and flinched. Tsukki calmly opened the lid, turned down the heat and added a tablspoon of miso paste. He stirred while she occupied herself with her vegetables.
“I’ll take care of the soup. You finish up on your cutting.” he said, throwing in some wakame and tofu.
Whenever household chores go awry, her first instinct was to brace herself. She had a bit of getting too focused on doing one thing and ending up neglecting something else. Her parents used to yell at her for it. She couldn’t help being an airhead. Being shouted at used to make her nervous, but over her time in gym she had numbed herself to its effects.
“It’s just hot water on a stove,” he said as if reading her mind, “Don’t think about it too much.”
After tossing in her chopped vegetables onto her pot, it was time for the curry. Unable to reach the slot of her highest kitchen cabinet, she stood on a stool to reach for her curry cubes. Her shoulders almost matched the height of his.
“I can see you eye to eye now,” she grinned, with her hands on her waist. She almost always had to tilt her chin up when they spoke. It was refreshing to be able to see him on the same level.
“I’m still taller,” he smirked, gesturing over her head.
She sighed, “Man, you really won’t let me have this.”
“Well, now I can do this without bending down.” He kissed her on the forehead and turned his attention back onto the soup.
Kaori smiled and stepped down from her stool. The mixture was beginning to boil and she would have to add the cubes soon. She began unboxing the curry.
“The table counter is so far when I’m on the stool.” she explained.
When she was younger, she wasn’t necessarily unhappy. “Contented enough” was probably the best description. Cooking with Tsukki on early Sunday evening was a slice of domesticity she didn’t think would bring her so much joy.
As he started on the dishes and turned on the rice cooker, Kaori snuck a glance at him. A year ago, Sundays indoors bored her to death. Tonight, even though they were stuck indoors and the air smelled like spring showers, she found little reason to complain.
Taglist for Chap. 5: @scrappydaisies
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jaehyun-eclipsed · 5 years ago
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Before I Met You | Ten
Updates: Sundays, ~8 PM EST
Pairing: NCT (Jaehyun, Lucas, Mark, Jaemin, Johnny) X Reader/OC
Genre: Romance, Angst, Coming of Age
Summary: Four. There were four people before I fell in love with you… Here are their stories.
Before I Met You Masterlist
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“What are you doing?” Jaehyun asks.
He looks down at me as I sit on the floor, boxes and papers scattered around me. A smirk slowly forms on his face, the scene in front of him clearly amusing.
“I’m just going through some of the old papers I’ve saved.” I chuck a stack of papers into a cardboard box. “There’s a lot of stuff from my college days that I haven’t touched in years so I figure I can throw it out.”
Jaehyun’s eyebrows raise in curiosity. He bends down to pick up something that catches his eye. “What are these?”
“Oh! Those are a bunch of polaroids we’ve taken together. I put them in a box each time we took them and since I’m cleaning up and redecorating, I thought I’d make a photo garland with them above my desk.”
“That would be nice – oh! This is from our first date!”  He flips to the next photo. “Oh and this was the first night you came over and we watched Before Sunrise together!”
I stand up and lightly grip onto his forearm, leaning my head against him as he continues looking through the photos. “You know, I was quite surprised you suggested we watch that movie.”
“Oh really? Why?”
“It’s an unusual style for a movie; it’s not something everyone would necessarily appreciate,” I say. “I was pretty excited you wanted to watch it though!” I grin up at him. “It’s one of my favorite movies. I watched it for the first time when I was a sophomore in college.”
“I really liked it. It was really interesting and I was impressed at how it kept you focused the entire time even though it was so simple.”  
I let go of his arm as he hands me back all the photos. 
“I have a couple emails I need to send, but for dinner I was thinking we could make some pizza? I bought sourdough,” he says. 
“Yeah, that sounds great! Let me know when you’re ready!”
He smiles and gives me a light peck on the lips. “I love you.”
I lift my hand to gently caress his cheek before bringing it to the back of his neck to pull him down for another kiss. “I love you, too.”
As Jaehyun leaves the room, I look down at the floor again, spotting my chemistry lab notebook from freshman year. I pick it up and flip through it, seeing that there are still a significant number of blank pages that can still be used. Perhaps I’ll keep it. When I reach the back cover, a sense of nostalgia overcomes me as I scan the many sticky notes containing various equations and important points I needed to memorize for the final. I briefly quirk an eyebrow before breaking out into a smile when I see the light green sticky note at the bottom with a doodle of a smiling watermelon with arms and legs. Mark had drawn it for me when we were studying and hid it in my notebook when I left to use the restroom.  
I actually haven’t spoken to Mark in a while. He’s difficult to get a hold of. Last I had heard was that he was doing some service work and traveling. Occasionally, he’d post a picture of himself playing the guitar wherever he was – usually on a beach or for an audience of small children.  
Mark will always hold a special place in my heart. My time with him was very limited, but he’s a fond memory I’ll always hold dear. He was the first real friend I had in college – the first person away from home I ever felt comfortable speaking to. For me, he was the sign that things were going to be okay.  
He was right though. Things did get better as I progressed through college. I moved out of the dorms and found a better roommate. I made some new friends that I could call up and hang out with. Studying was still difficult, but I did figure out what worked in order for me to be successful. It’s still not a place I miss, but I do appreciate all of the opportunities I had. And on the rare occasion I had the chance to talk to Mark, he was always so excited to hear that things were going relatively well. He ended up being someone I told a lot of my boy problems to, and though he didn’t have a ton of advice every time, he was always amused by my stories.
However, there was one time – the summer before I graduated college – where he did have some advice that really helped me. That was the last time I saw him in person.
I do miss him.
Sadly, we didn’t contact each other that much after he went to London. The time difference made it a challenge and whenever one of us was available, the other wasn’t. I felt like the universe was trying to tell me something.
I do remember one phone call we had though. That call broke my heart.
Is it even possible to have your heart broken by someone who was just a friend?
Because Mark was the first person to ever break my heart… and break it twice.
“Hey! I went to Derbyshire the other day. You’d love it! It’s so beautiful!” he said. “And Chatsworth House is gorgeous. No wonder you like that movie so much. They chose some good filming sites.”
“It’s a very aesthetically pleasing movie!” I remarked. “I’m so jealous though. You got to live my Elizabeth Bennet dreams.”
“Yeah! You should come visit considering I’m going to be staying here for two more years.”
“Wh – what?”
“Yeah! Shortly after I got here, I was looking into transferring and college here is usually three years so the timing kinda works out. The UK normally doesn’t like transfers, but since I’m here, I figured some stuff out with their counselors.”
I was happy for him, truly. But that didn’t mean I didn’t want him to come back considering our time together was so short. There was so much more I wanted to talk to him about. He was different and he embraced being different. He was always so comfortable in his own skin and had a carefree spirit that was easy to be around. Mark truly enjoyed life – with all of its complexities and particularly its simple pleasures.
Honestly, I didn’t think Mark could say anything else that would have been as devastating as when he told first told me he was leaving.
But I was wrong. Hearing him decide to stay there for longer than he had originally planned was equally heartbreaking. It’s hard when you’re waiting for someone to come back and they don’t when you expect them to. I even get a little disappointed when Jaehyun says a business trip has to be extended for a couple days. But that’s nothing compared to two years. 
The timing was never right for us.
But one thing’s for sure: Mark kept his original promise.
Dear Y/N,
Hello! I’m so sorry it has taken me so long to write to you! Life just gets so busy sometimes! I wanted to thank you again for the journal you gave me. Your note was so sweet! I don’t know if you noticed, but I was trying not to cry when you gave it to me haha. I also added the pictures we took together. You know, we look pretty cute in them haha!
I hope you know that I live vicariously through you. London is great, but I do miss California! I like hearing about all of the different aspects of your life, especially your boy drama (because who doesn’t like a little gossip) so keep it up! I just wanna let you know that even though I’m 5,000 miles away, I’m always a call/email/letter away! If you need me, I’m here!
I’m really grateful I got to know you, even if it was only for a little bit. I do wish we had met earlier, but I’m pretty sure we’re going to remain friends even after I return! Once you become friends with me, you’re stuck with me forever haha :) But please stay in contact with me! Sincerely, I think you’re incredible.
I hope everything this semester is going swell for you! Sounds like you’re taking on a lot, but I know you can do it! As you know, I’m not the most gifted in chemistry, but if you need anything else, just let me know!
One last thing: Keep up being amazing! Good luck trying to keep all these boys off you, but I’m sure they know when they’ve met an incredible find. It’s not often you meet a girl who is kind, pretty, smart, and funny; so I doubt you’ll be able to keep them away for too long!
Anyway, I hope you continue to write me letters sometimes! Isn’t it fun to have a pen pal?! I love hearing about what you’re up to! So keep me posted!
Love, Mark
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bihansthot · 5 years ago
Mid-Week Progress Update
Hey lovelies! I’m just checking in with a mid-week update to let you guys know what’s going on/coming up.
So, as some of you probably read in my answer to @whatamidoingwithmylifeman‘s ask last night my health is currently not the greatest. I had lab work this morning, because some of my levels were low last week and they’re trying to get them back to a better range. Labs always leave me pretty cranky and useless, combination of not sleeping enough coupled with them sucking away any energy I had left is no fun. Feel free to bombard me with anything Bi-Han related to cheer me up. 
Here’s what I have going on though to just kind of keep you guys up to date on what’s been requested, and to try and keep myself organized and on track with my ‘to-do-list’.
Wraith!Johnny Cage x F!Reader as requested by my wifey @fromthewifecage, I am actually about two pages into writing this one, so hopefully it will be up before the end of the week.
Sub-Zero Bros. Lunar New Year Head Canons this one is just one I wanted to write, and it’s almost done, so I should have it posted in time for Lunar New Year. Hopefully. LOL
Chapter Two of the Sub-Zero Bros Concubine AU as requested @posterbunny @lilacdevilll and multiple people, which thank you guys so much for that. Unfortunately this one is probably at the bottom of this list at the moment, because this one has turned into a full fic. It’s not just an ask anymore, it’s its own world and story which means a lot more time is required to write a good sequel. I’m also still DESPERATE for ideas on what you guys want to see in the sequel, specifically the FILTHY bits. @posterbunny has been lovely enough to give me a little to work with, but honestly I need more, what should Bi-Han do? What about Kuai? HELP ME PLEASE.
Two different OC requests from @whatamidoingwithmylifeman the first is Yandere!Sektor x Michiko NS/FT the second is Reptile x Nyx fluff. I need to go over some more ideas with @whatamidoingwithmylifeman when I get ready to start writing these two, but I have a general idea of where I want to go with them. I feel like it’s always super nerve wracking to write for someone you chat with occasionally vs someone you don’t know at at all. Is that just me? I just don’t want to  disappoint anyone. 
GM Sub-Zero x Depressed!Female Reader NS/FT requested by @cali-cox, I’m probably going to be too ambitious and do one for Bi-Han as well, mostly as a self indulgent thing since most of you know I suffer from pretty severe depression myself. I thought it might be nice to write that one to cheer myself up too. 
Bi-Han’s First Kiss/First Time as requested by @chilaxchick honestly I’m thinking of trying to write this one as a flash back in the Concubine AU. My only issues with doing it that way is that it might get a little confusing as to who the reader is supposed to be, since that one is written as the reader is the concubine and obviously Polar Bear didn’t loose his v*rginity to the same one he’s currently with in the story, So, I’m going to have to do a little more planning with this idea, obviously.
Last but certainly not least is Top!Male Reader x Bottom!Noob Saibot as requested by @sapphirenightsworld which I won’t lie, I’m ridiculously excited about. It’s not often I get requests for Noob, let alone someone who actually remembered to specify genders! Ah! Bless you @sapphirenightsworld!!! I complain about that a lot, and I’m always happy to write any and all genders you lovelies would like to see, but as I’m mentioned in the past, my style of writing is just far too explicit to be gender neutral unless specifically asked for, so thank you so much!
So, I’ve got a lot on my plate right now, and not a ton of energy to do it, I’m going to do my best to try and post these in a timely fashion, but please try not to get too upset with me if an ask takes a little longer than usual. I’m pretty long winded, so when I write an ask it ends up being usually 2-6 page minimum, so hopefully that’s a fair trade-off for not getting instant gratification. I also want to mention a while ago I mentioned to @weirdpiscean that I would try to write something about Noob and Kung Lao, but honestly honey, and I am SO SORRY, the more I think about it, the more I realize I don’t know Kung Lao well enough nor am I really interested enough in him to do a good job with any sort of ask with him in it. Again, I’m really sorry about that, if there’s like a specific idea you had for them and can help me with the Kung Lao bit, I would still be willing to give it a try, but it’s just not something I can do alone. 
If I missed any asks PLEASE let me know, I try and stay organized but T-rexs aren’t exactly know for their stellar admin skills.
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quackspot · 4 years ago
i started thinking about that gay bastard oc of yours. platano. can u tell me about him
omg u wer thinkgin about platano..... mr banana man... mr 4011. i am obsessed with the banana code srry i just got back from work (it was good :-D)
any way. um. im going below the cut. he kidnaps people and he murders people and i hate him because he’s also a massive weeb so. hm
HISTORY OF PLATANO... yea his name is spanish for banana
his father, pablo, will probably get a name change someday but i literally never think of his father since the only thing he did in platano’s backstory was disappear 
since platano’s world has characters based off like. fruits and vegetables (there aren’t really any limit to what the characters are based off of. it was in my lazy google translate name phase so we have like... a gay character named arcenciel who becomes dadlike through my powerful canon-changing touch. also arcenciel wears the colors of the rainbow as often as he can i haven’t figured out a good design for him since i’m not used to using more than 5 colors. he also owns a hat factory)
i think arcenciel and platano are friends they met when platano was like. 17 probably and arcenciel would be around uhhhhh ummmmmmm 21??? idk man but in canon he’s probably around 30 . yes i m saying “in canon” because i wrote a really dumb and horrible story back in 2018 arcenciel used to have HUGE internalized homophobia and i turned that into a running joke and i dislike that so that’s a reason why i’m not sharing the fun little story i wrote for my friends
(the best part of that story is when arcenciel threw his light-up rainbow heelies at platano, thus starting the boss fight which the main cast LOST.)
ok back to the topic at hand. platano.
i have a whole doc named platano where i just wrote drabbles about him so i’m going to summarize them
the first one was his friend, percisi (my only cishet oc he’s very short and very aggressive while also dressing in a soft-colored turtleneck since he’s based off of peaches) using a misunderstood form of satanism to summon satan. guess what percisi and platano summoned satan for. it was a manga update! wow
i won’t say the mangas name it was an inside joke
so platano was like “hey satan can i have this manga now please please” and satan went “sure just kill people for me” 
that determined platanos job for the next 7 or so years <3 wonderful. 
(it was basically me writing a backstory for a scene to happen in the main writing i wrote for my friends. he killed someone because someone else in the building was trying to summon satan. very confusing but okay i guess.)
i think right after that i wrote about platano meeting his boyfriend, sage, for the first time. i have horribly mixed feelings about their relationship since it’s very. Hm.
so platano kidnaps people to watch anime with him because all his friends left him and his best friend, mangue, is too busy being a dictator over the Land of the Fruits. i shit you not fruits oppressed the vegetables. i wrote that dynamic between the two because i was learning about the revolutionary war in US History. something like that at least
(the Land of the Fruits is not the official name)
on the topic of kidnapping people. guess who his favorite person was. sage. it was sage. so he tried to take sage often but they probably discussed Proper boundaries since everyone else tried to run away. hmm i am now going to write a bit right now 
“Platano,” Sage started. “Why do you keep kidnapping me? It’s rude and I hate it.”
“What else am I supposed to do?” The yellow-haired fool leaned on his sword, digging the tip deeper into the ground. 
“I can do that?”
“You keep making my dads worried.” Sage looked around the area, fidgeting with his hands. 
“Oh. Okay. Want to hang out? Watch some anime?” Platano paused for a moment, but managed to say “Maybe kiss?” before Sage got to answer.
“I- KISS??? We can watch anime together. We can go now.” 
Sage ushered Platano through a portal as fast as he could. 
His dads were never worried.
hmmm maybe that’s alright idk i’m a little tired so it’s probably a little out of character. sage probably isn’t that loud but i think it was trying to be the dynamic of “oh, we’re not dating” when they kiss every sunday at 5 pm by a romantic river scene 
he’s a character who is, at his very core, horrible and bad. he is portrayed in a way i DESPISE but i’m too lazy to correct it. his interest in sage actually started with me going “hmm i think platano would draw sage like this” then sauce giving me fun facts about his oc, sage, yea sage is sauce’s oc <3 epic win . so sauce gave me fun facts about sage and i was like “time to doodle these in platanos ‘art style’” when in reality it’s just the mockery of people just getting into an anime art style, with the chin so pointy it could cut a cake 
i might reread my old writing from 2018. i gotta agree with the judges for that year i did not write very well
it mightve actually been made in 2017 which would be FUCKIN CRAZY im gonna check rn 
yea it was started in 2018. february 14th... huh . finished it completely in june of that year it was 41 pages total and it’s not even double spaced how did i write something without double spacing it
so bob is a fluffy little anthro cloud with a grey top hat and bowtie. he is amazing. i love bob. bob is another one of sauce’s character and mangue (mentioned earlier) was made by my friend jamie 
(you can always ask for their tumblrs but i’d ask them if its okay to share their tumblrs. i might just look at them and reblog their stuff cuz i like their art!!! maybe jamie posted a drawing she made recently on her blog but tbh i don’t think she would she’s more of a twitter user)
ok so im skimming thru UMG which is the story it stands for “Universe of Magic Gardens” and it was originally made for a prank on ponytown so people would go “what’s UMG” and my friends and i would be like “ur mom gay xDDDDDD” or something like that . horrible but i’m glad i’ve changed from . that.
here’s a bit i actually like AKLJFISJFIO
“What the actual FUCK, Ilkie?!” Arcenciel cringed in fear. “Put it back- it’s too ugly.” He pointed at Platano, whose arms were crossed. 
why is it bolded. anyway.
i just saw a part where eau used y’all... water cowboy moments <333 i really need to make refs for all of those old characters. all of my umg-related characters have to be my oldest-living ocs. 
i cant believe this is making me genuinely reread my old writing just to go “WJHFSIDAJKSFIOJ WTF????” 
some of the lines on it sound like something you would hear on like. a school bus or somethin 
looking at umg like “wtf how did i add so much Meat to this writing” bc most of my writing now is mostly quotations to progress the story (like the quickie i wrote earlier. i could add meat to it but im  tired lol)
OK THIS IS MORE GENERAL BUT MY FAVORITE THING ABOUT THIS WAS WRITING HAIKUS FOR PORTALS. after you visit a place enough times it’s kind of just an instinct to open a portal there so you don’t have to recite a haiku 
uhh ok here’s another bit becuase im feeling like living la vida loca.  ur biggest regret should be “can you tell me about him” by this point bc i’ve written too much to go back now
He landed on his face once he was outside of the hat. Meko quickly walked over to the guest room, opened the Portals for Dummies book, and flipped to a page. It looked devious.
“Banana, mango,
Each tasting amazingly.
A taste of evil.” 
Meko did the dance on the page, it consisted of something that looks like it’s from an anime. A portal opened, the familiar scent of bananas and mangoes coming from it. With some hesitation, Meko stepped in. He quickly made it so only his head peeked in.
it wasnt bolded this time but i like it bolded. ok i understand how i added meat it was just shitty expired meat ALKFSJSHDAIUJKFEIODSJAK . it wasnt even that much meat DAMN. it just looked like more.
actually that’s all i will write. i could  do more w platano but yea at his base he is a blonde twink who kills people because he wanted a manga but now he’s friends with a dictator. woo! wow. amazing character writing. i cant wait to get motivation to rewrite everything and make platano a good villain (he will still be very interested in anime sadly. idk why around that time i liked making characters who were obsessed with anime i didn’t even watch it much myself. i think it was because i wanted to put capes on them)
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thisweekingundamwing · 5 years ago
This Week in Gundam Wing 22-28 March 2020
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Every Moment (Ch. 2) https://archiveofourown.org/works/23153275/chapters/55699822#workskin
F/M, Heero Yuy/Reader
Heero Yuy, Reader, Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, OC - Character, Lady Une, Relena Peacecraft
Romance, Drama, Angst, Lemon, Lime, Violence, Reader Insert
You really didn’t want to go on a mission with Heero Yuy. In your opinion, he was a robot, an iceberg, and as cold as the North Pole. And you really hated the fact that people started spreading rumors about you. Now, you have two weeks to get to know him better, get comfortable with the idea of playing his wife, and keep from getting into a catfight with Wufei’s secretary (who has quite a crush on Mister Yuy herself). You thought you would be able to handle the mission, but a couple of alcohol influenced kisses really send your world spinning. And it would only get worse during the mission… And really… your careless actions do have very big consequences.
The trouble of being Daddy’s little girl https://archiveofourown.org/works/23267698
F/M, reader/oc
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Reader, OC - Character
Family, Humor, Daddy Heero
You took another deep breath and pushed away from the house, starting on your track across the lawn. You had not even made it halfway across the grass when an unexpected voice made you jump in fright.
“Going somewhere?”
It’s not easy being the daughter of an ex-Gundam pilot.
All because of you https://archiveofourown.org/works/23279989
F/M, Duo/Reader
Duo Maxwell, Reader
Romance, Fluff, a bit of angst, Hurt/Comfort, Reader Insert
He would never lie to you about his feelings. Hide them, yes. But if he told you he was okay, you had no choice but to believe him. But even so…
“I can’t help but be worried.”
Forgive and Forget (Ch. 5) https://archiveofourown.org/works/18997162/chapters/55878703
F/M, Duo Maxwell/Reader, Wufei Chang/OC - Relationship
Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei, Sally Po, OC - Character
Romance, Drama, Angst, Violence, Lemon, Reader-Insert
You’d infiltrate Preventer and expose that fact that it employed and protected terrorists. But that mission proves to be quite a challenge, all information regarding personnel carefully guarded. And the challenge becomes even greater when you meet Special Agent Duo Maxwell. He is pretty much the man of your dreams, all devilish charm, good looks, and bravado. And he kisses like the Devil. You are swept under and recklessly pursue and affair with him. But there is still your double agenda, and that is bound to make everything come crashing down around you. Especially when you find out that Duo is not exactly the man he said he was…
Your Body’s Poetry (Ch. 11) http://archiveofourown.org/works/20438891/chapters/55895791
F/F, F/M, M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei/Original Female Character(s), Duo Maxwell/Hilde Schbeiker, Relena Peacecraft & Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell/Original Male Character(s)
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Sally Po, Relena Peacecraft, Lucrezia Noin, Zechs Merquise, Hilde Schbeiker
Past Relationship(s), Slice of Life, Post-Break Up, Slow Burn, Developing Relationship, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence
Two steps forward, one step back ... it's all a dance really.
The More Things Change https://archiveofourown.org/works/23331301
F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Zechs Merquise/Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei/Treize Khushrenada, Dorothy Catalonia/Relena Peacecraft, Dorothy Catalonia/Relena Peacecraft/Quatre Raberba Winner
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Relena Peacecraft, Dorothy Catalonia, Zechs Merquise, Treize Khushrenada
Wufei is WHAT!? Productions, Fluff and Humor, all grown up, Heero Yuy and Chang Wufei Are Best Friends, Duo Maxwell is Chaos Personified, Asexual Trowa Barton, Ladies' Man Quatre Raberba Winner, Quatre Is Dating The Entire Senior Cheer Squad, Relena Peacecraft and Dorothy Catalona Are Dating One Another, Treize Khushrenada's Dream of Being An Interior Designer Came True, Yoiko Says There's Too Much Baseball, Tzigane Says There's No Such Thing As Too Much Baseball, Pool Party, Duo Maxwell Is A Flirt, But Only If He's Sure You Won't Take It Seriously, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, water wars, Super Soaker, Wishes Is A Good Dog, Duo’s Bathing Suit Wins
Thomas Wolfe had said, "You can't go back home to your family, back home to your childhood, back home to romantic love, back home to a young man's dreams of glory and of fame."
Of course, he had also said quite a bit more after that. Treize Khushrenada felt that was enough to express adequately the absolute truth of things -- it really was impossible to go home again because time passed and everything changed. Nothing was ever as it was, and it had been so long since he'd had the opportunity to visit his mother that everything was different. The gas store on the corner had turned into a coffee shop. The local grocer's had disappeared altogether, leaving behind a parking lot for a chain store and just a touch of melancholy mixed in with Treize’s sense of nostalgia.
Fanart/Gunpla/Photo Manips:
Heero Yuy
Trowa Barton
WuFei & Trowa
Zhang He Altron, gunpla
Puck (dragonhusbands)
Duo & WuFei
WuFei & Trowa
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Duo Maxwell, screenshot
Fandom Discourse:
A place to store our favorite GW memories.
Duo & Heero
Some two-mix songs (Rhythm Emotion, Just Communication)
Calendar Events:
Rhythm Generation: Shooting Stars, Celebrating 25 Years of Gundam Wing
Be sure to not miss any updates or Creator Spotlights by following @gundamzine​
Be sure to reserve your copy of the Zine as well as Zine MERCH by completing the sign-up form, here
All zines and zine swag are FREE, but the Zine Crew encourages everyone who is able to donate to one of the branches of their chosen charity, WAR CHILD
Also be sure to submit your response to the (totally anonymous) Fandom Metrics Survey the Zine Crew is running, here
Reopening orders until April 5th! https://gundamzine.tumblr.com/post/612534501362565120/gundamzine-back-by-popular-demand-we-are
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, April 3rd! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/613840617413443584/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-april-3
If anyone has ideas for prompts, PLEASE send them in! Our ask box is always open.
In need of SUMMER prompts!
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